Author Topic: YouTube video question about framing comb from a feral colony.  (Read 4042 times)

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To the point:

If you watch the way they orient the comb in the frame, they're twisting and turning it every which way to make it fit.  Don't the cells have a slight in-and-down angle to them?  When these guys put a bunch in, they're framing it upside-down and sideways from how it was naturally hanging.  What will the bees do with this mess they're creating?

Offline tbonekel

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Re: YouTube video question about framing comb from a feral colony.
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 01:16:25 pm »
I think you are right. They are putting that comb in upside down. My first and only cutout I have done, I forgot and didn't orient the comb correctly. It didn't work. I would love to know how this hive turned out.

Offline G3farms

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Re: YouTube video question about framing comb from a feral colony.
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 04:39:24 pm »
The queen will not lay in it anymore and the thin nectar will run out.

Most want to "slice and dice" the comb the easiest way to fit the frame. I always keep it upright and sometimes that is a royal pain cutting it into small squares instead of long strips.
Bees are bees and do as they please!

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