lazy, apiguard is just my preference now if i were to treat. i have not used maqs or oa, and to be honest, probably never will and won't go back to using apivar.
in my own experience with apivar, although very effective, sometimes i experienced queen problems with it, she either stopped laying briefly or just stopped laying altogether. and also, it can drive the bees out the front door. i believe there is a residue left behind from using it, you can smell it on the comb. i didn't like this. with apiquard i have not experienced a queen problem, or driving bees out the front as apivar did. also, not sure of the residue left in the comb, i am certain there is some, but not enough to detect by my shnoz as there was with using apivar.
all in all, find what works for you and use it to kill the mites. only by use of the different methods will you be able to decide what you think what works best for you, or what you prefer and like. all of these miticides work relatively well. your choice may depend on many factors....honey supers on, honey supers off, you think it affected your queens or application conditions.....many variables lazy, too numerous to mention.
let us know what you decide, and happy to answer any questions relative to apiguard or apivar.