--- sounds like you have other keeps in your area,, or is it feral colonies ?
There are other keeps in the vicinity---particularly in the spring season, when the real honey flows start along the coastal area of the country. As the season proceeds, many of the hives are moved inland, to the east. As the topography inland moves higher, the flowering develops later.
In my earliest days of beekeeping I used to collect feral colonies but since the appearance of Varroa on the scene, they have all disappeared. :'( Unfortunately, there can be no more "let alone beekeeping" in Israel. :'(
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the swarms come from my grandson, who has (in my opinion) expanded his holdings too rapidly and has not yet developed the techniques of keeping on top of the "game". He has about fifty hives in my general neighborhood and has been working hard, but not hard enough, to keep all the hives happy without them going into the ecstasy of swarming.
At least it keeps things in the family.
I've been sharing a lot of my equipment with him, and if I catch any more swarms, they'll be passed on to him----I've more than recovered my losses from last autumn and I'm not in the position to handle more hives than I have now.