I've had a few requests for my robber/moving screen, so here it is.
First, rip a 1X, two pieces, 3/8 in. thick the length of your entrance. Rip 2 more pieces 6 in. long.

Cut a piece of 1/8 in. hardware cloth the same dimensions and staple to the two long pieces.

Now staple or nail the two 6 in. pieces to each end, on top the screen' and staple the screen to them.

You now have a robber screen. The bottom board will prevent them from going under, so the only entrance is from the top. The house bees will adjust to it, the robbers will not.
Next, cut a piece from the edge of a 2X4, which is 1 1/2 in. thick, 1/4 inch and longer than your screen. Notch it on both sides to slide down into the entrance.
Open entrance.

Closed entrance for moving.