Watch out for those foxes. Here is one that attacked me in my drive way. I was building a ladder rack for a truck and had a piece of metal in my hand at the time and was able to defend myself. I didn’t get a bite, but it got pretty intense. I was reading the instructions on the tailgate of the truck when I heard the gravel roll behind me. I turned around without enough time to swing at it, but only to halfway push the fox away from my shorts wearing leg with the vertical post of the ladder rack. I fell to the ground while backing away, but to my surprise, the yoke went around its neck and I now had the fox, dangling eye level with me, while sitting down, caught in the metal support. I got up and I slammed it on the ground once, and it was still captured. I slammed it a second time, but it flew out and landed 7’ from me. It rolled over, got to its feet and came at me again. I swung that pole like Jack Nicklaus. The fox flew 20’ and laid there on its side. I’ll save the details after that, but again, I didn’t get bitten. Animal control came out and said, “ he didn’t come up to kiss you.”