Sustainable Living > Homestead

The last 660 feet


Had gotten the last two rolls of wire needed to finish off the south line fence a couple weeks ago. But temps in the high 80's and mid 90's stoped me from doing the labor to install it.
Monday I took 330 foot roll to the area and spliced it into the end of the last installed 330 feet. Just spliceing the wire got me soaking with sweat by the time I had finished.
Thankfully rolling it out is a easy job useing the bucket on the Bota. I am really surprized how easy it does roll out untill about the last 25 feet or so.

To hot to do the last 330 feet plus need to call miss dig about marking any under ground wires where the end brace post will go.

That should keep my girls from the swimming pool next door.


Alleyyooper, take your time.  It's beastly.  I think I'm turning into an old man with a handkerchief.  I use it to wipe the perspiration when I am outside.  Temperatures in the low 90's and 96% humidity will turn you into a puddle.

It's been miserable here. We hired a couple of young men to build fence. They were doing a fine job until this heat wave and now they've kind of melted away, metaphorically.  :) I have about the same amount of fence to roll down the hill and string up before I can let my stock have access to it. In the meantime they are eating up my hay reserve. Thankfully the temperatures have dropped significantly today and looks like a trend.  :)

Still have the last 330 feet to do. Ya miserably hot and humid.
I do not do well in the heat either and I am a OLD FAT MAN with a underlying condition.



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