Author Topic: Celebrated National Pollinator Week  (Read 5694 times)

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Offline Bakersdozen

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Celebrated National Pollinator Week
« on: June 23, 2018, 08:04:03 am »
The county extension office hosted a pollinator event at a nearby pollinator garden.  I was invited to represent Honey bees.  Also present were Monarch Watch, a tent about bats, making seed balls, butterflies, how to eliminate garden pests safely, a caterpillar petting zoo, live birds of prey (very cool), and more.  I haven't heard the final numbers on how many attended, but they kept us hopping for most of the time.  My step daughter and grandson were there to help educate.  My grandson was suffering from a horrible cold so he only lasted about an hour before his Mom took him home. 

The pictures are of my grandson organizing the table.  The second grandson is modeling a jacket.  There are kids doing activities and games out on the lawn.  Another picture is an activity we had the kids participate in that all ages seem to enjoy and even kids as little as 1 year could take part in.  We did honey comb rubbings or etchings.  Then we compared their art work to a real comb.  Of course, their rubbings were just as good as the bees make! A honey straw for everyone was their reward.  The various gardens have pathways for people to walk through and observe insects up close.   The organizers also had a great string band playing music under the gazebo. 
I also made a viewing box demonstrating what a honey bee sees when he looks at a nectar source.  I used a large cardboard box with a viewing hole cut out.  Inside I put an UV flashlight that was shining down on a blooming potted plant.  The UV light showed the nectar guides.  We then explained how humans can't see UV light but honey bees can.  I also had a poster with cool pictures of flowers demonstrating how they look under UV light.  The kids and adults thought the viewing box was the coolest.

Offline neillsayers

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Re: Celebrated National Pollinator Week
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2018, 01:10:29 pm »
That sounds like fun. I would have enjoyed your UV guides demonstration. The bat tent caught my eye. Are there any pollinating bats in the U.S.?
Neill Sayers
Herbhome Bees
USDA Zone 7a

Offline apisbees

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Re: Celebrated National Pollinator Week
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2018, 02:15:23 pm »
In Arizona there are ones that feed on cactus nectar, thus providing polination.
Honey Judge, Beekeeping Display Coordinator, Armstrong Fair and Rodeo.

Offline neillsayers

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Re: Celebrated National Pollinator Week
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2018, 02:49:02 pm »
Thanks Apis :) now I know
Neill Sayers
Herbhome Bees
USDA Zone 7a