Beekeeping > Bee News

Bee Migration ~ ABC News


this is a pretty cool video, educational, informative and a glimpse into the life of a commercial beek who does pollination work.
i subscribe to the national honey board's newletter.  i wouldn't have seen this video but for the newsletter. the video, produced by ABC news with ginger zee, chief meteorologist (i don't know who she is i don't watch news!) interviews and follows a beek out of new york; chuck kutik of kutiks honey farm. kutick transports bees for pollination from new york, to north carolina, california, south carolina and maine. there are interviews with kutick,
the semi driver who has never transported bees............. :D (and getting hung up in california).  also, short interviews with the almond farmers and research scientists from cornell university on bee losses.  i thought it was a great vid, and enjoyed watching. some funny clips at the end with bees getting caught up in long hair............ :D


Wandering Man:
I’d seen the short bit where they got stuck at the check point. I hadn’t realized he’d never driven with bees before.

I wonder what percentage of the hives they’d left behind.

Having recently failed to release a bee from 3Reds’ hair, I really appreciated watching GingerZee’s (Zorn?) panic at the end.

Good vid! Enjoyable. I have tried to get a bee or two out of my long hair without injuring it, so far I have not been successful. I even had a bee in my hair, unknowingly, while in the grocery store until it started to pipe up and get mad... hated to do it, but had to squish her  :sad:

Some Day:
I watched the video, but I think I missed the part were they discussed the Varroa mite and its effect on honey bees.  I did catch the "Climate Change" message.

Isn't this Ginger a cutie!  Even more so than Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island.


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