Author Topic: Another Australia Extractor.  (Read 6449 times)

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Another Australia Extractor.
« on: January 30, 2018, 08:24:50 am »
In Looking at and for extractors with Omni in mind I have came across a wide varying difference in extractor designs that are used in different parts of the world. In north America the extractors are fairly standard and similar in design. In Australia, New Zealand, and Europe the designs very a lot more. Some is related to the use of different types and sizes of hives and frames, but other is due to the different types of honey being collected.
Honey that has Thixotropic properties do not flow like most honeys that conform to the Newtonian laws of fluid. Heather honey, Manuka honey and Grapefruit honey are classed as Thixotropic honeys and form a gelled state in the comb and must be agitated first to get it to flow. It is a protein found in these honeys that give them their Thixotropic properties. There are other honeys that contain the same proteins but at a lower percentage that effects the velocity of its honey but are not in high enough percentage to keep the honey from flowing. Eucalyptus honey is one of these.
Getting back to referencing Omni above, The lady he bought his extractor from only recommended using it for extracting frames with wax foundation. Not knowing her process it is hard to comment on what she was having issues with but comb breakage was one of them. Whether it as frames poorly wired, natural built comb by the bees with no wire, temperature of the combs and honey to cold, extraction speed set to fast to begin with, or sped up to fast, we do not know. But there are ways to decrease comb damage.
Know your honey and its properties. How a rise in temperature will increase it's velocity.  Also crystallization decreases the velocity of the honeys and because the weight in the frames is so high it can cause the comb to blow out. If your honey crystallizes quickly Keeping it warm retards the crystallization. Also getting it extracted sooner before it can start to crystallize will make extraction easier.  If you suspect your honey may be from a source that is Thixotropic Then using a uncapping roller agitator will break the Thixotropic bond to allow the honey to flow out of the frame easier.

Now for the reason of this post I found another used extractor on Ebay in Australia. it is a Pender extractor They ceased extractor and honey tank sales after 1989 when a fire destroyed their factory. This one I would estimate it was built in the 1970's The extractor is reversible direction dependent on which vertical disk is pressing against the drive plate. The speed is adjusted by the spring tension against the drive plate and how much the vertical disks are allowed to slip. The frame baskets are allowed to flop sideways into a more tangential position to allow the honey to flow out of the frames easier and with a reduced shear force on the comb. This allows the honey to be extracted a lot easier with less comb damage.

Honey Judge, Beekeeping Display Coordinator, Armstrong Fair and Rodeo.

Offline Lburou

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Re: Another Australia Extractor.
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2018, 10:30:30 am »
Enjoyed reading that explanation, thanks  :)