Sustainable Living > Farm Livestock

New Buckling


My sister just purchased a new buckling for our goat herd.  We have two adult bucks already, but they are full brothers, and she's been wanting to add some different genes into our pool.  She and my dad drove to Knoxville to pick him up.  We named him Arthur.  He's living with our young wethers, Zeb and Joseph, who were just separated from their mom, so they've been doing nothing but yelling for the past few days.  Arthur is getting along well with the wethers, but he likes the big bucks better, who are in the next pasture over.  They seem to like him too, and the three of them have been hanging out along the fenceline together.  He could probably go in with them if it weren't the rut right now, which makes the bucks beat each other up, and Arthur is too little to defend himself against them. 


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