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Welcome / Re: G'day
« Last post by iddee on November 07, 2024, 03:40:13 am »
Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here, and maybe even pick up a tip or two.
Welcome / G'day
« Last post by Lollygag on November 07, 2024, 01:19:32 am »
I'm a hobby bee-keeper in Brisbane, been keeping bees for six years or so. When I'm not attending to bees I am working as a computer programmer or playing jazz on my guitar. I'm here to learn a bit more about bees and the strange people that keep them.
Laugh A Little / Re: Do you have mean bees?
« Last post by Bakersdozen on November 06, 2024, 10:43:27 am »
Ah Ha! Now it makes sense.
Laugh A Little / Re: Do you have mean bees?
« Last post by iddee on November 05, 2024, 12:48:41 pm »
It's actually marketed in South America for Africanized bees/
Laugh A Little / Re: Do you have mean bees?
« Last post by Bakersdozen on November 05, 2024, 09:51:56 am »
Is that smoker a manufactured product or did some overachieving beekeeper make that?
Laugh A Little / Do you have mean bees?
« Last post by iddee on November 04, 2024, 06:26:03 pm »

General Beekeeping / Re: VIDEO Unique Insect: The Maltese Honey Bee
« Last post by MalteseHoneyBee on November 03, 2024, 01:53:21 pm »
The Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida, has resurfaced in Sicily after a four-year absence. Two sentinel hives have tested positive – one in central Messina and another just outside the city. This parasitic beetle is notorious for the damage it causes to honey bee colonies. Its presence has prompted Sicilian authorities to initiate containment measures to protect the island’s apiculture sector from further harm.
General Beekeeping / Re: Two queen hive
« Last post by Zweefer on November 01, 2024, 05:45:15 pm »
Any updates?

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General Beekeeping / Re: surprise, i'm not dead.
« Last post by Zweefer on November 01, 2024, 05:44:27 pm »
Both can be true!

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TBH, Warre, and Other Alternative Hives / Re: A REAL alternative hive.......
« Last post by efmesch on October 29, 2024, 02:03:39 pm »
This fellow deserves an award for originality.   BUT I think his method of beekeeping enters the field of being too good to be true.  Re-cycling plastic bottles is great, but in a cold climate like that of St. Petersburg I wonder how many bottles are lost from cracking of frozen plastic.  How many hives can one manage with all the one-use hives needing replacement on an annual basis?  How many beekeepers have the equipment and and the skills  to do all of the construction involved?  I think that his lack of concern for loss due to Varroa is due to the constant replacement of equipment.  His management methods keep the varroa from building up a population that can reach damaging levels.

But he has the real spirit of a beekeeper who loves bees.  It is people who share his interest in bees who inspire others.
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