Sustainable Living > Recipes Using Honey

Breakfast with Honey and Pollen


Some of you might enjoy seeing how I made my breakfast this morning:

I can't believe it, my breakfast frequently looks almost exactly like this!  My sister makes homemade yogurt with her goats milk, which we sweeten with honey, and I make homemade granola.  Top it off with a little pollen, maybe some extra craisins, or add some powdered strawberries, the combinations are endless! 

I'm missing our homemade dairy right now because the goats are all dried up in preparation for kidding beginning next month.  Hopefully this is the last year we'll be without our own milk during this time, since we'll have 4 does in milk for the first time next year.  We're having to drink that opaque white water they sell at the store right now instead.  They call it milk, but we know better now.  :no:     


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