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Gardening / Using honey as a rooting agent for plant cuttings
« Last post by Bakersdozen on January 26, 2025, 12:04:04 pm »
I stumbled on a video showing that honey can be used, when making cuttings, in place of rooting hormone. If I understand correctly it doesn't work for all plant species but it does for ssome semi-woody stems like hydrangeas and privet.  The anti-microbial properties of honey aids in controlling bacterial and fungal growth but doesn't exactly promote root growth.
Has anyone tried this?
Books / Non invasive inspections, and other hard to find lore
« Last post by BeeBloke on January 13, 2025, 06:06:53 pm »
If you're interested in techniques not covered in standard beekeeping texts, try Observational Beekeeping:

Price is higher than most books' for good reason: it's huge, and concise. It's a complete beekeeping course to an advanced level, comparing many approaches, compressing many books and other sources into one volume.
Any and Every Thing / Re: Bit of history
« Last post by Bakersdozen on January 06, 2025, 11:15:19 am »
In think I would prefer a nuke detonating on my back than a grenade. With the nuke, I know I would feel nothing. With the grenade, I have met too many vets with pepper looking skin from all the shrapnel. Then there were all the ones who were left dying that never lived to show their shrapnel.
I understand completely.
Any and Every Thing / Re: Bit of history
« Last post by iddee on January 06, 2025, 04:12:56 am »
In think I would prefer a nuke detonating on my back than a grenade. With the nuke, I know I would feel nothing. With the grenade, I have met too many vets with pepper looking skin from all the shrapnel. Then there were all the ones who were left dying that never lived to show their shrapnel.
Any and Every Thing / Re: Bit of history
« Last post by Bakersdozen on January 05, 2025, 01:10:53 pm »
If you search online you will find a long list of unethical, bizarre, and cruel experiments the military has performed using people. But there is no way in the world I would voluntarily let them strap a nuke on my back. The thought of turning to dust and ashes in the blink of an eye goes beyond what I can comprehend.
Any and Every Thing / Re: Bit of history
« Last post by Zweefer on December 31, 2024, 08:32:14 am »
We did go a bit crazy with nukes for a while there in the 60’s… there was even a backpack version given to the army.  :o

Recipes Using Honey / Candied fruit with honey
« Last post by Bakersdozen on December 27, 2024, 01:38:50 pm »
Does anyone have any experience with making candied fruit? Do you have any advice for a 1st timer?  I found a recipe for candied fruit that sounds simple. It calls for 1 C. sugar, 1 C. honey, and 1 1/2 C. water. Boil to 235 degrees or the thread stage. Is this something you would do through out the year to take advantage of different fruits being in season?
Forum News, Suggestions, Questions / Re: Sad news
« Last post by efmesch on December 18, 2024, 12:55:28 pm »
Remember the good times you had  and the good things you did together. Share them with his family.  May the memories bring some consolation.
Forum News, Suggestions, Questions / Re: Sad news
« Last post by Zweefer on December 17, 2024, 09:03:39 pm »
my condolences iddee.
Laugh A Little / Re: Do you have mean bees?
« Last post by Zweefer on December 17, 2024, 09:03:00 pm »
the two top handles are what sell it for me!
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