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General Beekeeping / Re: I'll be more careful next time.
« Last post by iddee on September 02, 2024, 01:42:58 pm »
No supers. Hives used for raising more bees.
General Beekeeping / Re: I'll be more careful next time.
« Last post by Bakersdozen on September 02, 2024, 12:34:00 pm »
Yikes! Were the supers already pulled? I hope.
General Beekeeping / Re: I'll be more careful next time.
« Last post by The15thMember on September 02, 2024, 10:02:16 am »
General Beekeeping / I'll be more careful next time.
« Last post by iddee on September 01, 2024, 07:57:27 pm »
I was bushhogging today and got too close to a hive stand. Toppled 4 hives. Didn't make the bees a bit happy. :o  :D
Farm Livestock / Re: Baby Goats Anyone?
« Last post by Bakersdozen on September 01, 2024, 11:01:37 am »
I had this audience recently. I have two colonies located on this property. They entire area is overgrown with invasive honeysuckle that the homeowner has been battling for years. The colonies sure put on weight when the honeysuckle was in bloom. Yesterday I looked and the goats had eaten the area down to the soil. They were as curious as cattle. I think I counted 16 goats.

I agree with all that you said, but it is like crime. It is going to happen, but we need to try and keep it down to a minimum, and correct it when we can. Without putting up a fight, it will get out of hand quickly.

PS. Good to see you posting.
Like it or not, "open borders" are beyond our control.  No matter how hard we try, with the world's population  travelling as much as it does, inumerable species of hitch hikers keep showing up where they don't belong and create havoc with local species that can't beat the competition.
In the long run, nature will meet its own balance.  Books have been written about how invasice species upset local balances of nature and took several years to reach new levels of "stability", sometimes to our (subjective) advantages and sometime to our disadvantage. 
We think that by spraying toxic poisins  we'll be able to control everything but sooner or later we miss somethjing and things get out of control.  The best solution is using nature itself to set its new balance, but that takes time and research to find the species whose presence can set things in order.  No simple task.  With global warming  another factor in the picture the situation becomes even more complex.
Maltra has good intentions, but I fear that the locals there have an almost impossible task ahead of them.
I wish them well.
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