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Announcements => Forum News, Suggestions, Questions => Topic started by: riverbee on March 11, 2014, 12:33:59 pm

Title: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: riverbee on March 11, 2014, 12:33:59 pm
well oops....... :-[
it's never too late to say THANKS to lazybkpr and jen for their 1,000 posts plus to our great new forum!  HOOO-RAH!!!

thanks to both of you for your contributions to the forum, and thanks to both of your for being here, sure enjoy you both and reading your posts!

i call jen the 'captain of the female bee brigade'......... :D

and lazy, hmmmm, well i will just call you SCOTT for now....... i will let the guys pick on you......:D

Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Jen on March 11, 2014, 12:39:35 pm
Laughing! Well Thank You Very Much! I had no idea I was bugging you guys so much! HA!

So do I get a prize or something?..  cookies?.. pen and pencil set?.. a pic of Perry in the yoga pants?..

Been a pleasure working with ya Scott! ~wink~
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: LazyBkpr on March 11, 2014, 04:03:10 pm
Wow.. 1000   really?
   Seems like only yesterday we were looking for 50 members and Perry had a Beard...  Now he has YOGA pants...  Those were the good times!    :laugh:

    At least no ones trying to get him into a thong..

   I like a disagreement, and have had my share, but I am never left feeling slighted, degraded, or humiliated when I was wrong, which means I learned from it. I came away better, and that makes this place worth every moment I spend here. Getting to meet good folks like Jen, Mrs River, Perry, Wally, Blue, and .. well..   Everyone else who spends time here is a bonus. No need to thank me for anything, I should be thanking all of you.
   Thank you!

Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: blueblood on March 11, 2014, 04:21:55 pm
Scott, Jen, appreciate ya both!  Thanks for opening your yards, minds and hearts to us.
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: iddee on March 11, 2014, 04:27:09 pm
Dang they talk a lot...................  :P :P  :D

Appreciate each and every post you put up. Thank you VERY much.
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Jen on March 11, 2014, 04:57:49 pm
Lazy ""Perry had a Beard...  Now he has YOGA pants...  Those were the good times!  At least no ones trying to get him into a thong..""

Hmmm,  C:-)  a beard and a thong! visualizing......eyes into the distance...index finger tapping chin  C:-)  calvin klein..... 

WAIT!.........  can the logo fit onto a thong......   visualizing.... eyes into the distance.....

Yeeeaah, I better go do some laundry :-[
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Edward on March 11, 2014, 05:12:49 pm

mvh Edward  :P
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Perry on March 11, 2014, 05:40:54 pm
 :thread: :goodjob: :agree:

I too would like to thank Jen and Scott for their contributions to the forum. It is actually folks like you that are responsible for bringing even more folks into the fold. The questions, answers and fun that you bring here are infectious. Glad you are here.  ;)
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Jen on March 11, 2014, 05:48:16 pm
Iddee-  ""Dang they talk a lot...................""

Mr. Wizard! We DON'T talk A LOT!

We HAVE A LOT to talk ABOUT! 

I've been trying to get this thru my husbands head for 38 years now!  :laugh: 
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Edward on March 11, 2014, 05:53:58 pm
A new beekeeping forum, Ho hum hum, usually a few dry post by the moderator  :-\

The first time a surfed in I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of posts and replies under such a short time!

Woohoo indeed  :laugh:

mvh Edward  :P
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: LazyBkpr on March 11, 2014, 06:08:53 pm
Lazy ""Perry had a Beard...  Now he has YOGA pants...  Those were the good times!  At least no ones trying to get him into a thong..""

Hmmm,  C:-)  a beard and a thong! visualizing......eyes into the distance...index finger tapping chin  C:-)  calvin klein..... 

WAIT!.........  can the logo fit onto a thong......   visualizing.... eyes into the distance.....

Yeeeaah, I better go do some laundry :-[

   erm...  sorry Perry..        :-[
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Jen on March 11, 2014, 06:16:42 pm
LOL  ;)  Oh that wasn't directed a just Perry!  :laugh:

I'll go fold some laundry now....
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Perry on March 11, 2014, 07:53:52 pm
I can take just about anything that gets dished out here. ;) The only things that upset me are people being mean, disrespectful, or dishonest!  C:-) you really want to see me in yoga pants? It can be arranged you know, I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it can be arranged.  :laugh:

Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: LazyBkpr on March 11, 2014, 08:04:03 pm
heh..                NO!
   ( (
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Slowmodem on March 11, 2014, 09:28:58 pm you really want to see me in yoga pants? It can be arranged you know, I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it can be arranged.  :laugh:

Just remember, once you have seen something, you CAN'T unsee it.
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Bamabww on March 11, 2014, 10:09:18 pm
well oops....... :-[
it's never too late to say THANKS to lazybkpr and jen for their 1,000 posts plus to our great new forum! 

Always enjoy your posts and appreciate your input to the forum. Thanks to both of you.
Title: Re: 1,000 + Posts Lazy & Jen!
Post by: Jen on March 11, 2014, 10:32:46 pm
Perry "" you really want to see me in yoga pants? It can be arranged you know, I'm not saying it'll be easy, but it can be  arranged.""

Now... What gives me the idea that Mr. Chief Unknown is going to show up on this thread in yoga pants and a grocery bag on his head?

How about excepting a pass on that offer and a handshake for good sportmanship in the bee arena?

However Perry! if you're really in to it.. and want to get creative, far be it for me to hold you back.  ;) 8)