Worldwide Beekeeping
Sustainable Living => Preserving Food => Topic started by: Slowmodem on April 06, 2014, 01:02:26 pm
we made kraut last week. chopped cabbage, salt, hammering, done. We filled a 3-lb crock, so we should get a dozen or so pints of kraut in a month or so.
I love it, especially fried with onions. Or just right out of the jar. ;D
What gets me is, who discovered this stuff, and how did they discover it? :-\
Kind of like gravy, must have been hard times and down to the last of everything in the cupboard. Who would mix grease, salt, pepper, flour, cream and water in a skillet and cook it up!! (basic ingredients many ways to make it and add to it).
I feel the same way about oysters. I dearly love them, but the first person that ate them was really, really hungry.
Germans probably? my mothers side (Grandma Swigert) were Krauts :D. mom fixed it at least once a week when us boys were growing up with pork neck bone and corn bread. I still have to have it once in awhile. Jack
Oh good heavens NO! Please don't let my wife find Cabbage on sale! She blames the resulting smell after eating and digesting on the dogs. I believed her for a while.. it was THAT bad.. I forbade her from ever touching cabbage again!!!!
Right, didn't work.. I should have DEMANDED she buy it more often, would have worked better.