Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: CpnObvious on April 10, 2014, 03:05:32 pm
Hello. My name is Jeff.
I like long walks on the
I was introduced to beekeeping when I was about 13. That lasted for 2 years until my hives both died of Nosema. I never restarted. Now, 20+ years later, I've been saying I'm gonna restart for the past 10 years. Well, I've ordered two packages of Italians, so there's no turning back now! I've been working on cleaning up my old equipment, buying a few things here and there, and have a lot more work to do to get them ready for the arrival in another two weeks. Time for me to leave work, so I may opt to post more later, but no more time to type now.
Hi Cpn! Glad you're here, you will find plenty of bee knowledge here, and quickly if you need it. You'll also find a batch of very nice people who are eager to help and share. Warning! Be Prepared For Humor! :D
Welcome and enjoy your stay! Lots of friendly, knowledgeable folks around here!
Welcome Jeff, glad to hear you are returning to bees and beekeeping.
Welcome Jeff to the forum, ask all the question you want that way we all learn something and good luck with the bees.
Welcome to the Forum
Hello. My name is Jeff. I like long walks on the
I was introduced to beekeeping when I was about 13. That lasted for 2 years until my hives both died of Nosema. I never restarted. Now, 20+ years later, I've been saying I'm gonna restart for the past 10 years. Well, I've ordered two packages of Italians, so there's no turning back now! I've been working on cleaning up my old equipment, buying a few things here and there, and have a lot more work to do to get them ready for the arrival in another two weeks. Time for me to leave work, so I may opt to post more later, but no more time to type now.
Oooh boy, I can see you're gonna fit in real well here. Bees and fun, a good sense of humour makes everything better. :D
Yep! I bet he likes Pina Colada's and getting caught in the rain too! I'll get him switched to RUM in no time flat!!
;D Welcome to WWBF, glad to have you, and looking forward to answering questions or learning from them!!!
Gin! Lazy, Gin! It's actually good for you! Seriously ;D
Again, welcome Jeff!
I'd have to say @Jen was the closest. Gin & tonic, Rum & coke (hold the coke), and Whiskey sours are my drinks of choice. I'm glad no-one mentioned beer... I must be at the right table! :) Thanks for the friendly welcomes!
Welcome Jeff, from the Show me State. Jack
greetings and welcome to the forum jeff! look forward to reading your adventures with the bees!
welcome aboard Jeff
Welcome to the forum, glad to have your company. Jim
Welcome to the forum, lots of good folks on here. Good luck with your new bees and do keep us posted.
The eyes of Texas are upon you, Jeff! Yeah, that sounds kind of creepy when you think about it, but welcome to the group! One thing is for sure, 20 years ago, it would have been hard to find support like what you will find on the boards here.
Gretings from across the "pond", Jeff.
Welcome to WorldWideBeekeepers forum.
When you first started 20 years ago, did you live in MA?
@efmesch... Yes. I grew up only about 12 minutes from where I live now. In fact, one of the two hives I'm setting up will be in the EXACT same place I had bees years ago. When I told my mother I was getting back into it she was excited... but then disappointed when I told her the hive wouldn't be there to help her garden out... So I ordered another! The bees at her place will be loving the fairly large garden she has as well as her small fruit orchard. The bees on my land won't have quite the same short commute... but there are several LARGE farms and fruit orchards in the immediate area. I a bit nervous about bears where I am, though... I may be investing in a small electric fence, or something... Time will tell!
Jeff, I am really glad you have found us. A sense of humor is a must and I see you've got one. You will fit in nicely around here. ;)
Thanks for responding Jeff, I always have a special feeling for those who grow up in one place and find it to continue as their home for a liffetime.
I think you're doing wisely by re-starting with two hives. One can always serve as a "backup" for the other, in case of unexpected problems.
" I a bit nervous about bears where I am, though... I may be investing in a small electric fence, or something... Time will tell!"
jeff, just catching up on your thread... you have package bees coming soon (cool that you posted that on the calendar!) a word of advice about bears and bees. if you have bears in your area, you want a fence up, because the bears will find your hives at some point. small electric fence? not sure what you mean by this, but your fencer needs to have enough voltage or 'joules' to deliver a hefty shock to the bear, and also, it's important how you set up your fencing and grounding. i use a solar fencing unit by parmak.
i posted this in another thread for someone else:
"make sure you have enough joules/voltage and electric fencing (not just one wire strung around it) so that the voltage from a shock is enough to send them on their way. minimum joule to keep black bears out is 0.7 or more. voltage varies with the fencer, so the joule rating is what you want to look at. 0.7 joules can vary in voltage output and other factors from 6,000 volts upwards. i think mine runs between 8,000 and 10,000 volts. "
the thread is here:
Fenced Enclosure (,1157.msg15575.html#msg15575)