Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => Beekeeping 101 => Topic started by: iddee on April 15, 2014, 07:50:25 pm

Title: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: iddee on April 15, 2014, 07:50:25 pm
I've had a few requests for my robber/moving screen, so here it is.

First, rip a 1X, two pieces, 3/8 in. thick the length of your entrance. Rip 2 more pieces 6 in. long.

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Cut a piece of 1/8 in. hardware cloth the same dimensions and staple to the two long pieces.

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Now staple or nail the two 6 in. pieces to each end, on top the screen' and staple the screen to them.

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You now have a robber screen. The bottom board will prevent them from going under, so the only entrance is from the top. The house bees will adjust to it, the robbers will not.

Next, cut a piece from the edge of a 2X4, which is 1 1/2 in. thick, 1/4 inch and longer than your screen. Notch it on both sides to slide down into the entrance.

Open entrance.

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Closed entrance for moving.

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Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: blueblood on April 15, 2014, 08:17:40 pm
Thanks for posting.  Looks fairly simple to build.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 15, 2014, 08:21:22 pm
I have built a couple.. not quite like that but same principle.. but I used the aluminum window screen..  is there a reason to use the #8 Hardware cloth Iddee??   Its harder to get and more expensive so checking to see here.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: blueblood on April 15, 2014, 08:38:37 pm
I have built a couple.. not quite like that but same principle.. but I used the aluminum window screen..  is there a reason to use the #8 Hardware cloth Iddee??   Its harder to get and more expensive so checking to see here.

I buy all my #8 hardware at Do It Best Stores.  Reasonable too.  Here is the closest one to you I think:
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: iddee on April 15, 2014, 08:47:04 pm
The bees have to see it as a fence, not a wall. If they see it as a wall, they will find the entrance as quick as the house bees. I've never used anything other than 1/8, so I don't know about the screen.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 15, 2014, 10:47:26 pm
Keosaqua is a little over an hour from here. Closest place I have found that carries it is in Iowa City.. 45 minutes away. Ace, True Value, Menards, almost every place around that USED to have it no longer even sells it because they don't sell enough of it so they dropped it from their product line..
   Wal Mart and the big stores are wonderful until you cant get what you need at them anymore. They have already driven the mom and pop stores out of business that carried those kind of things so it just means were out of luck..    I can order it, but the cost of ordering and shipping I can drive to Iowa City and buy it and come out about 5 bucks ahead...
    I will hold off on more screens until I try these. I do have some #8 left, not enough to make all the screens I need but enough to get started.   Thanks for the tip Iddee and the location of Wasco Blue!   Next time I go through I will stop in and see if they have it.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on April 16, 2014, 08:21:42 am
Some True Value hardware stores carry hardware cloth. Make a few calls around.
I have a hundred of his screens made up. They work great and are easy to make.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: Barbarian on May 22, 2014, 03:01:45 am
1/8 metal screen is not easy to obtain here.

Would 1/8 plastic screen or clear acrylic sheet work ?
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tbonekel on May 22, 2014, 06:38:53 am
It's hard to find around here as well, even at the small mom and pop places still open and I need some as well. They have it on Amazon, I just haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. I would say if you can find the vinyl or plastic with the same dimensions, then try it out. I'm sure it wouldn't last as long. The bees would probably chew it up.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tecumseh on May 22, 2014, 06:47:15 am
as some may know I highly promote these to new beekeepers trying to keep a few bees in urban areas.  most of the time I hear reports of bees suddenly turning excessively defensive and these will quite often resolve this problem.  for some reason it sticks in my mind that some time long ago iddee was the person who turned me on these.... at the time I had a problem with a small group of 8 hives that suddenly had turned hot.  prior to this they had been setting in chest high weeds and when I knock this vegetation down they turned means and remained this way for the next several days.  once the hives had settle a bit I ended moving all to another location. 
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: CpnObvious on May 22, 2014, 06:55:11 am
1/8" hw cloth has become very hard to find... however... some sellers on ebay offer it a pretty reasonable price. OR here's what I did:

I checked a local mom+pop lumber yard (actually it's the one I used to work at and where I get all my lumber). He had a roll of it 3'x10'. The price was marked at $24 and the sticker indicated it was from 1998, if I remember right. It was the back saw room. Had more dust on it than I have sand in my sand driveway. I asked what he really wanted for it... that's right folks, I paid $13.99 for it.

There is a difference between being cheap frugal, and a smart shopper. Box stored won't wheel N deal. He took one look at it and said "glad to see it leaving".
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tmrschessie on May 22, 2014, 09:26:16 am stores don't haggle....  have to disagree with you on that one. My wife could not believe it the first time I haggle with a manager at one of the big box stores and walked away with several plants for her flower garden at a reduced price. Now don't try that at the beginning of the season but towards the end. LOL Tom
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: CpnObvious on May 22, 2014, 11:42:15 am stores don't haggle....  have to disagree with you on that one.

No disagreement... That's what I said.  Only I have a typo so it says "stored", not "stores".
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: G3farms on May 22, 2014, 06:01:21 pm
I got a big roll from my local ACE hardware store. Check their online catalog, they will ship it to the nearest store for free.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: riverbee on May 22, 2014, 07:26:49 pm
yes, what g3 said, ace hardware carries it or would order it for you.  i get mine from fleet farm.....or farm and fleet......

i have both moving and robbing screens, and make them myself.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on June 02, 2014, 10:14:51 am
Best time to make these screens is now. Don't wait until robbing season is upon you!
We put ours on right after pulling supers in August.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tmrschessie on June 02, 2014, 11:56:59 am
Can you post bigger pictures and also of them installed? Tom
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on June 02, 2014, 02:56:40 pm
They do distort when enlarging the pics on here!
Maybe iddee can take a few shots up close to see the detail on them.
They fit in between the side rails of your bottom board.
You need some sort of method to fasten them to the hive body.
A couple of nails or screws, maybe even a bungee strap around the whole box.
Make sure you install them at night, after everyone is home for good.
They figure out the new entrance by the end of the first day.
That's unless your bees are stupid or blind! ;D
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 19, 2015, 08:33:04 pm

   I am attempting to figure out how the notched piece works and where it fits to close the entrance?  Does it LAY across the side boards and the notches fit over the boards on the screen?

   This should be in the DIY section.. Took me forever to find it  8)
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: iddee on January 19, 2015, 08:50:18 pm
When the screen is mounted, the top between the two verticals is open. The bees go down the front of the box to the entrance. If you lay the closer flat against the front of the box and slide it down, it hits the two verticals. Notch it so it continues down enough to fill the entrance and stay in place.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 19, 2015, 09:43:26 pm
OK, i think I understand..  TY
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 23, 2015, 04:46:43 pm

   The smoker master, who makes the most AWESOME ribs has been busy making robbing screens!

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  AND, he decided to use the scrap pieces to make the "doors" to close off the screens with.

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  I have nailed "feet" to one of them to try it. Just a 3/4 b y 3/4 by 1" board nailed/glued to either corner of the bottom so I can slide them in under the entrance to hold the screen in place with no screws..   I LIKE it!
   Thanks to Iddee and Ted, I will have a few robbing screens to try this year instead of my pieces of plywood leaned across the entrances!

Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: iddee on January 23, 2015, 05:27:52 pm
Don't get much simpler, does it?
 It had to be simple to come from my simple mind
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 23, 2015, 07:35:06 pm
Iddee, those are so simple they are BRILLIANT!
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: Curtchann on January 23, 2015, 07:36:37 pm
I like the concept Scott!
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: brooksbeefarm on January 23, 2015, 11:42:56 pm
I have made and used iddee's robber screens and like them and plan on putting on all my nucs in my far away outyards, but i have a question. If i put robber screens on all my nucs and hives with several in one apiary, wouldn't they all know how to come and go with theses screens on the other nucs and hives because that's the way (the robbers) come and go from there's?? Just wondering? Jack
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 24, 2015, 12:00:39 am
I think it has to do with how the robbers get into the hive and past the guard bees..   They will hover, as if orienting, and then DART into the opening past the guards. When forced to crawl down to the entrance, there will be no zipping past the guards.
   Thats my take on it for what its worth.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: kebee on January 24, 2015, 06:16:09 am
  Thanks LazyBkpr, for I was thinking the same thing but you put it for what would happen and that would discourage the bees from during that.

Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 24, 2015, 07:34:17 pm
OH YEAH!!   I almost forgot.  If you need some wood for boxes or robber screens let me know;

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   Need to get it gone before it rots, been sitting there under the tarp since fall.. send me a check I will send you the address to pick it up!!   

   "PS; might be a bit of a drive."

   Last guy that sent me money said he nearly had heart attack when he showed up..   There was some fellow with a stethoscope and latex gloves GRINNING at him.. he left, he was afraid to bend over to get the wood!  Maybe you should take a gun.

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Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: brooksbeefarm on January 24, 2015, 10:56:15 pm
No wonder they can have free health care in Canada, if they have doctors that look like that :o who would go to one. Jack :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: Jen on January 25, 2015, 02:28:50 pm
Scott- "I think it has to do with how the robbers get into the hive and past the guard bees..   They will hover, as if orienting, and then DART into the opening past the guards. When forced to crawl down to the entrance, there will be no zipping past the guards.
    I agree! I have witnessed this scenario myself. It's taken me awhile but I now see when robbers are scanning the entrance and when it's an orientation flight.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on February 05, 2015, 06:04:55 pm
OK, for those super simple and fast robbinbg screens, here is the JIG to make them..
   Toss the little boards in, lay the screen on and staple. Lay the side boards and staple, glue the legs and pop a couple brad nails in..    DONE...  takes about three minutes a screen to make.

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  And of course, you cant forget about the nucs!

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Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 05, 2015, 06:13:26 pm
I'm liking those added feet that fit in the entrance! Wonder if the bees will glue them in?
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 05, 2015, 06:20:52 pm
iddee, you better get a patent on those before we see them in the bee catalogs!
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on February 05, 2015, 07:00:52 pm
the "feet" are just to hold the screen.. I really didnt want to put screws in my boxes, or a strap around the hive.. the feet solved the problem.. If they do propolis them in it wont take much to pop them free.... i hope
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 05, 2015, 07:24:20 pm
I leave these on a bunch of my mating nucs all season. It's rare to have one robbed out!
I wonder how many we could sell at $9.95?
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 05, 2015, 07:27:39 pm
Nevermind, we'd probably have to paint the darn things too. :D
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on February 05, 2015, 08:50:16 pm
Yes, 9.95 each unpainted, and 19.95 painted!

   but... theres ONLY 4 little pieces of wood that need paint!

   Right, thats how much I hate painting!    ;D
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: iddee on February 05, 2015, 09:18:33 pm
I've got the patent, tefer. I'm just making a list of all who make and use them until I get enough, then I'll send out the bills.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 05, 2015, 09:24:17 pm
Huh!, all mine have a stamp that says "Assembled in Randleman"  8)
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: LazyBkpr on February 06, 2015, 08:03:38 am
Huh!, all mine have a stamp that says "Assembled in Randleman"  8)

Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tedh on February 16, 2015, 07:02:37 pm
Okay, so, I got a 2015 Dadant catalog a few days ago.  Those of you that have one, check the top of page 25.  For those that don't I'll TELL you what's there.  You got it! A "Moving Robber Screen"!  It has a couple entrances that can be closed off with what appears to be a small piece of tin and a nail so you can swivel the "doors" open and closed.  Other than the doors it appears to be the iddee screen the idea of which we are all stealing, er, I mean, emulating.  I can't tell but I don't see Lazy's addition of little feet to slide into the entrance to avoid nailing or screwing it to the hive.  But, you can have this little beauty for only, wait for it, $16.25!!!  I think Scott and I figured we could make them for a buck a piece, and heck, that might be a little high.  Ted
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 16, 2015, 08:23:47 pm
Wah Hoo, we're gonna be rich, iddee's got the patent rights.
Now, go get the lawyer Ted.  :yes:
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: tefer2 on February 20, 2015, 10:40:22 am
I saw a couple over at Dadants. They changed them enough to get out of a lawsuit.
I still like his design with the whole top open. No need for doors on bottom. Those just confuse the bees every time you open and close them.
Sometimes, simple is just better.
Title: Re: Robber Screen & Moving Screen
Post by: brooksbeefarm on February 20, 2015, 11:09:04 am
Makes you wonder about thinkers like Iddee, Perry, Forrest Gump, ecy. that invent simple things :o. IT HAPPENS.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Jack