Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Forum News, Suggestions, Questions => Topic started by: CpnObvious on May 27, 2014, 12:10:05 pm
We all, I think, watch countless beekeeping videos on YouTube... I've noticed I'm not the only one that then has questions about what was seen/shown. Could we have a Top-Level Topic dedicated to videos we watch that AREN'T part of someone else's, more specific, Topic/Post?
I'm about to post one in General Beekeeping. I'll modify this post with a link to it after:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's the link to the Topic I created so you can see what I mean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,1819.0.html
I think we have it covered fairly well with the headings we have.
Your video and question fits well under Swarms, Cut Outs, Trap Outs and Bee Trees. I moved it there for you.
If you find something you don't know where fits, send it to me and if I can't find it a home, I will start a new heading.