Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Michelle on June 02, 2014, 04:20:58 pm
I picked up my 2 nucs from Perry last week and now I am a beekeeper! :) I have lots to learn and I have been reading this forum like crazy. There is so much to learn.
Hey All right! Welcome to the club!! Keep Perry on his toes for us!!! Put him in your phone as BEE 911 ! Seriously, you have a great resource with Perry Nearby!
welcome to the forum. You couldn't have bought nucs from a better guy. Between this forum and Perry you will become a successful beekeep
Welcome to the forum! Spend plenty of time poking around here... it's worth it!
Welcome to the forum, glad you join up here, now maybe we can get all the good stuff on Perry.
Welcome to the forum, glad you join up here, now maybe we can get all the good stuff on Perry.
OOOH, that might be worth MONEY spent!
Welcome and enjoy your stay! Perry is full of knowledge (at least that's what I think it is!). :laugh:
You'll do well. ;)
Hey, Stonefence! Welcome to the forum! It's a Goodun! Ted
Hey All right! Welcome to the club!! Keep Perry on his toes for us!!! Put him in your phone as BEE 911 ! Seriously, you have a great resource with Perry Nearby!
;D I think I started something here :-[
welcome and congrats! I'm a beekeeper as of late April. I just love it!
picked up nucs from perry? WHO'S PERRY? ........ :D just kidding, he has been a little MIA from here, so feel fortunate you met him in person!
perry is a great guy, and a great beek! cool you joined up with us, questions? just fire away!
hmmmm, any scoop on perry you'd like to share?...... :D
So glad to see you here Stonefence! ;)
Yes, I have been absent to some extent from this place I call home. I have been soooo busy with inspections that I have not been able to keep up, even with my own bees.
A scoop? Is that what you all are looking for?
Well Stonefence has been gracious enough not to say anything but I guess I will.
Stonefence and her friend came to pick up 2 nucs each. They followed me to one of my yards, and then got in my truck for the short trip through waist high grass to get to the hives and nucs. As I was backing the truck up to the hives, staring into the rearview mirror, I heard "Hey, what's that hanging in the tree?"
Sure enough!!!!
Not the most professional way to show new keeps how I do things! :-[ :laugh: ;D
It seems like all I am doing is putting out fires with my own bees, but thankfully the inspections are drawing to a close over the next few weeks. I should be seen here more often shortly.
Welcome! you won't regret your membership here. this is a great resource, don't be afraid to use it :)
Welcome to the forum! You have found a great resource in Perry. He even showed you a swarm and hopefully how to catch it!
Thank you for all your warm welcome wishes! I am still a bit nervous of the bees and I know I shouldn't be! LOL I grew up with bee hives on our farm and never got stung by them. I think I have seen too many youtube videos! I will do my first opening f the hive on Saturday to see how things are going and to see if I can see the queen. :)
If your close enough to Perry find out when he is going to go through a few hives and go watch. It is a good experience and will help give you some confidence.
He seems pretty busy at the moment so you might have to brow beat him a little... Hey! Let us know if you need any help with that! ;D
Welcome and if you need answers fast and Perry is not acknowledging your calls post here for instance answers between the global members and the insomniacs there is always some one on line.
what apis said!
and perry.....too funny!!!
" As I was backing the truck up to the hives, staring into the rearview mirror, I heard "Hey, what's that hanging in the tree?"
Sure enough!!!!"
....... :D
Welcome and if you need answers fast and Perry is not acknowledging your calls post here for instance answers between the global members and the insomniacs there is always some one on line.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Welcome, we do need more canucks on here!
Welcome from Alabama. Lots of friendly folks here.
Welcome Stonefence, I am a newbee too, who got nucs from Perry. Hmm we're about a 3 hour drive apart, but I don't often come your way, my friend lives in Pubnico so when we drive to Halifax a couple times of year we usually take Hwy 101. If you're ever down in Yarmouth look me up :)
all i can say is thanks to both of you for coming here, we need more beeks for the female bee brigade here.... (we are outnumbered by the guys) and also so's we can pick on jack...... :D
and for that matter, iddee too........oh and perry, and scott, and........... :D
Hear that Michelle, riverbee says we need to REPRESENT :laugh:
all i can say is thanks to both of you for coming here, we need more beeks for the female bee brigade here.... (we are outnumbered by the guys) and also so's we can pick on jack...... :D
and for that matter, iddee too........oh and perry, and scott, and........... :D
:o whaaaat?? You mean the OTHER Scott right!!! :yes:
Hmm... thinking... remind me... is there another Scott on this forum? if there is... there is only one that I would listen to so far ;)
"Hear that Michelle, riverbee says we need to REPRESENT "
"whaaaat?? You mean the OTHER Scott right!!!
.............. :D
yes, YOU scott, the infamous pirate....... :D
yep, michelle: REPRESENT!!! the more queens in here, lot's more fun!!!.........( :D
right jen?!........ ;D
Most Definately! And I know there are a lot more women beekeepers out there that need help, so bring em on :D
:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
Hey There Mr. Wizard, Go To 'Laugh A Little'! That's What I Have To Say About Your Violins :D
Jen, I don't have sound on my computer, so no videos for me.
Did you show that video to your granddaughter?
Wait.... How do you know what's on the video if you can't see video's?
I didn't say can't see. I said can't hear. Having no sound means I can't hear it, not that I can't see it.
LOL.. and the hint that i should NOT look is strengthened!
bawk... bawk bawk baaaaawk
............... :D
Welcome Michelle, yep, my buddy perry is the man to go to up there for advise on bees, anyone who can keep bees in a deep freeze climate and produce honey i have to admire. Ohh, by the way, have him show you how to pick up an upside down super. :D Jack
Yea Jack! Not just 'produce honey', how about 'produce 1 Ton of honey'! still boggled :D
"have him show you how to pick up an upside down super. :D Jack"
nova scotia style........ :D