Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Tightwad on June 28, 2014, 01:26:58 pm
I'm in my second year, I have 5 hives and I'm hopping that they all will overwinter just fine. I was in three hives to day all look pretty good. A lot of honey and bees.
:welcome: :bee: Hi Tightwad ~ first off, your name made me laugh out loud! My mom used to yell that to my dad back in the day when I was a tot.
You're gonna love it here! Such a considerate forum with educated people and advice. Don't be shy about asking the same question a a hundred times, these members have had to put up with me for the last six months :D
Welcome and enjoy your stay! :welcome:
Welcome to the forum from another show me state neighbor. By the way, where the heck is Ferguson, Mo.??? Jack
Welcome Tightwad to the forum, glad to have you with us here and hoping your bees do well.
LOL! interesting user name....curious.....ok, on second thought......nevermind!!!!..... :D
greetings and welcome to the forum!
and yes, we are penguins up here in wisconsin....... :D
Welcome to the forum! Good to see someone else from the state down Unduh mine! ;D
welcome aboard neighbor. I'm in Kansas
Welcome and enjoy your stay. If your user name is an indication, you have come to the right place. If there is a deal to be had of a cheaper way of doing things, the members will share them with the rest of us.
Right there with everyone else. Welcome!
Hi tightwad. So, Ferguson is over by St. Louis?
I'm from Kansas. Glad to have you here.
Hello Tightwad and welcome to the forum.
Welcome! I must have missed this introduction somehow....
Welcome, tightwad. You'll enjoy it here.
Welcome. As others have said, lots of friendly people with good advice here.