Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Forum News, Suggestions, Questions => Topic started by: CpnObvious on August 01, 2014, 02:11:18 pm
NO! I'm not asking if I'm slow! I know the answer. :laugh:
When I click on the "Show unread posts since last visit." and "Show new replies to your posts." link they have been insanely slow to load lately. I know my troubleshooting. This occurs on multiple networks, multiple computers and/or devices, different operating systems, etc...
The search feature has been awfully painful lately, too. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Based on the recent downtime post, it looks like we're hosted by Google... If others are experiencing this, could someone please contact Google about this?
Many thanks!
As far as I know, we are hosted by Go-Daddy. That's who I pay for hosting, anyway. Admin is out of commission for a week, but will likely address your question when he returns.
It's almost always slow for me.
OK.. My bad. Go-Daddy. But it shouldn't be as slow as it is. I would see what they have to say about it. Thanks for responding!
Admin will be back Monday or Tuesday and will likely see this thread and check it out then.
VERY slow here... but I lost the good modem during a storm and am using the old backup that always slowed things down so I figured it was just the modem issue.. Yeah, I have a SlowModem, but not THE SlowModem.. ;D
Try accessing this forum on dialup. It will change your perspective!
VERY slow here... but I lost the good modem during a storm and am using the old backup that always slowed things down so I figured it was just the modem issue.. Yeah, I have a SlowModem, but not THE SlowModem.. ;D
Hey! I resemble that remark! 8)
I also noticed it being slow when logging in and retrieving threads. Compared to what it's normally like.
Are people still experiencing this problem?
I did some cache and database cleaning on our end, but if it is a hosting issue, that won't help much.
Back up to speed and running fine now for me. Thanks
This does appear to be better. Thank you.
Having problems navigating IN the forum.
I can reach the home page just fine, but when I try to open a catagory or a post I get:
Google Chrome could not load the webpage because took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.
Working fine for me, maybe theres a problem between you and the server?
Haven't had it time out. Have had a couple of delays of about 30 seconds, but it loaded before timing out. It may be an area problem.
ray, we had some intermittent issues with wwb server last month (go daddy).
this year i have also experienced some issues and slowdowns with my isp provider.
try this, when you get that message, "Google Chrome could not load the webpage because took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection."
google 'website down'. go to a couple of these websites and query these sites will tell you if our website is down or whether it is possibly a network issue with your isp provider.
like iddee said, it may be an area problem with your provider or some other issue with your connection.
hope this helps.
Thanks for the quick responses. WWBk is the only website I have (technical) trouble with.
This is crazy! I posted 2 replies @WWBk that loaded almost instantly. Two of your advertisers loaded almost instantly. I just attempted to post a reply to this SUBJECT and timed out. Backed up to it, modified it and tried to post and timed out. I thought maybe I was double posting, nope.
hmmm. Seems to be OK up here. sometimes there are DNS issues that cause sites to appear non-functional on the client side
Things are working fine for me here, but when I go on kijiji to scope out bee stuff it bogs down.
okay ray, not sure what the issue is. try this, you said you were using google chrome? try clearing the cache and cookies from your browser.
web help here on how to do it:
clearing cookies and cache google chrome (
ray, we lost your posts on the troubles you were having, please post back and let us know if you have further issues posting on the forum..........
thank you!
I keep timing out. With some perseverance,I can view and post.
I can reach the WwBk home page almost immediately, from Google
I had to 'reload' a few times to reach, 'Forum News, Suggestions, Questions.....'
I then had to 'reload' to reach 'New & Unread post links exceptionally .....'
Sometimes I 'time out' replying to a thread.
I have found that if I copy my post, then when I time out, I 'back up' and paste my post then re-reply.
Then repeat as necessary.
I went to Beemaster's site(they run the same software?). I didn't have any trouble navigating their site.
I check the Simple Machines site and didn't find help.
Sometime i jump to where I want to go immediately. Third attempt to post this.
okay ray, this isn't a problem with the site, it's something on your end..........
try this, when on the site, hit ctrl + f 5.
if that doesn't work, you said you were using google chrome for your browser correct?
install a different browser, like firefox, and navigate the forum using firefox and post. does the same thing happen?
Thanks for all the effort on your end. I'll keep plugging along and maybe stumble across the cure.
Well maybe limiting my posts isn't such a bad thing. I can be a Equus asinus with a doctorate sometimes.
well ray, just trying to help out, hard sometimes, so many variables with so many factors..........
just wondering though.......
"I can be a Equus asinus with a doctorate sometimes."
where did you get that degree?............... :D :D :D
I got that one at The School of Hard Knocks. The funny thing about it is; the smarter the Equus asinus, the harder the knocks.
I can't believe this, but I just got sucked into copying "Equus asinus" and googled it just to see what it was!
Thanks Ray. :-[ :D :P
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
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Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
Thats what I get when i try to log in. After about three or four tries it will log me in. When i do log in, it takes 50 to 90 seconds to load a page and or post.
Cache is cleared etc, it does this on all four computers I have.
I have had this happen in the past, but it usually does not last long. This morning I have been trying to get on for about two hours on and off..
Dont know if theres even anything that can be done, just a heads up!
I hope admin gets the change made shortly. Today is the slowest I have ever seen it. And chat comes and goes. Go-daddy is not making any friends here.
thanks iddee,
soon things will be running smoothly thanks to you and admin!!!
HOOOO-HAAAAH!!!!!............ :D
WOW!!!! CLICK BAM! THANK YOU... err... Iddee and Admin ;D Its nice to click and have the page pop up so quickly.
Now this is nice.
Who ever is responsible GREAT job! Thank you Thank you :eusa_clap:
very fast response times this morning! Good move!