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Announcements => Forum News, Suggestions, Questions => Topic started by: Crofter on December 19, 2013, 06:44:48 pm
Does mini chat take a time out occasionally? I had a post typed and hit "send" and it seemed to freeze some time after 630 pm
Hit enter on your keyboard. SEND doesn't work for me half the time.
Perry was hung up at the same time. I hit reset and it cleared the box and did not send the message. I dont know whether blueblood and lazy tried or not.
frank, i haven't experienced any problems since the 'christening' of mini chat. like iddee said, don't use the send button, type in, hit enter. if you clear the box or reset, you lose your chat and there will be nothing sent so have to retype.....also, try clearing the cache in your browser....... :D
Thanks riverbee, have cleared the cache. Will try using enter. Still wonder at the several occasions when others could not get on either. Maybe I am a jinx!
There's a glitch in it, but I'm not looking to fix it. I'm just before throwing chat in the dump. Only another day or two. :evil:
OK, I will bite! What cha gonna do then????
He won't do it. We would have to start another forum that had one if he did! :lol:
I think he knows that Perry so I think he has something else up his sleeve! Just needs to have it coaxed out. :lol:
Got'chab gessin', ain't I? :P :lol: :lol:
Wow!! :o
He's not even letting one of his dedicated disciples in on it! :shock:
If you can't trust the guy that cracks the whip..... :?
Something like one Stephen Harper, Perry; you know, our guy with the whip! You know though that the story, when it comes out, will be a good one! :lol:
It should be a wopper! ;)
" I'm just before throwing chat in the dump. Only another day or two. :evil:"
......... :lol: must have been from reading all that geek speak for installation instructions.........ah iddee, we would just go fetch it out of the dump and find someone to fix it......
hmm you know ralph's been yakking it up pretty good in the chat box, maybe he broke it........ :lol:
he's in there now talking to himself..... :lol: