Worldwide Beekeeping
Beekeeping => Pests and Diseases => Topic started by: blueblood on September 14, 2014, 07:39:20 pm
Okay, does anyone have any reservations about using Enoz Crystals for controlling moths? My plan is to put some on a plate. Put the plate on the inside of an inverted telescoping lid. Empty super first and then all of my honey supers stacked on top with another telescoping lid on top. Sound like a plan? Any risk of contaminating comb?
Don't know about Enoz, but I have used moth crystals (not balls) in the past and never had a problem. Just make sure they can air out for a few days before using the supers in the spring.
I would check the active ingredient in the crystals.
Some moth balls contain paradichlorbenzene (PDB) and others napthalene. PDB is also found in some solid air/toilet freshner rings.
PDB was used in the UK to prevent wax moth in stored supers. The suppliers have withdrawn it because of a health issue.
I think PDB vapour is heavier than air so it is usually placed on top of the short stack of supers.
Yes.. the Naptha etc in regular mothballs can be absorbed by the wax.. I try to stick with Para Moth.. Your plan is sound... It is what I have read as recomended, and once DID myself..
As mentioned, I now put crystals on TOP of the stack.. I run about 6 Medium boxes per stack. Lid or tele cover under them with a contractors bag under that.. I put a plate on the TOP bars with the crystals on it and tie the top of the contractors bag.. This way, I can check the crystals in the spring if I am not going to be using the supers/that particular stack etc, and add more crystals if needed, without unstacking them all to get to the plate...
I also keep my supers out where it gets COLD... so.. basically I put crystals on when they get removed after cleaning and wrap them.. by the time the crystals need replaced its COLD outside and I have no more wax moth issues.. I do not usually have problems EARLY in the spring with wax moth, so typically do not unwrap my supers until a week or two before I need to set them on.. That week is enough to air them out and let the moth crystal stink dissipate.