Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Alleyyooper on October 06, 2014, 06:39:01 am
Finally got here from Michigan after lots of problems along the way. So much trouble I decided the royal pain in the ____ wasn't worth it. Idee has made it possible filling in all the pot holes. I think he said it was some thing about the soft wear up dating but I had the same trouble till he filled the holes in.
:) Al
Glad you made it Alleyyooper to the forum, hope to hear about your bees.
Yep, an update brought security changes we didn't ask for. Going to try and remove some of them today. Glad to have you, Al. Hope you like it here.
welcome over here alley
welcome to the forum ;)
Welcome Al, Jack
Thanks for the welcome ya'll. We'll give it a try. Not putting up with trash from people here either.
:) Al
al, i think you will find that this forum is a very friendly forum. ;)
Al glad to have you here its a good growing forum with good people and we intend to keep it that way so have no worries ;)
Hey Al, are you the same Al that posted about all the deer on your place on another forum? Jack
Could be I have lots of deer on the place and some are close friends.
:) Al