Worldwide Beekeeping
Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Alleyyooper on October 17, 2014, 09:17:38 am
After getting a real close look I determined that this was indeed a worker and a mutt Italian.
( (
:) Al
That's what I call gentle bees. I think she likes you.
great photo al!
Iddee- "That's what I call gentle bees. I think she likes you.
I agree, I love it when they land on me and groom. They especially like me now that I buff my arms with propolis tincture ;)
Hey Al, I've heard of checking for mites and doing mite counts, but I think you're getting carried away there buddy! :laugh:
And I sure want to reach thru the screen and give that nose of yours a friendly honk ;) :D
All our bees are nice even tempered. If they aren't I sneak out in the night get the queen and feed her to some bats.
Old Billy once told Kare at a bee club meeting he never knowingly killed a queen. Since then :D I have to sneak out and do the deed.
:) Al