Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Beeman on December 11, 2014, 07:24:25 pm
Hello everyone,
Just thought I say howdy. I'm in Northern Tennessee. I run 8 frame med hives & nucs. Planning my first TBH this spring. I run SC & natural cell size bees, raise my own queens & have lots of fun doing it. Looking forward to being part of the gang.
I can't believe that name wasn't taken!
Glad you found us Tim. We are a pretty friendly group here, keeping bees and having a bit of fun (often at others expense at times). ;D
How long have you been keeping bees. Raising queens is not something a nubee tackles right off so I'm guessing you know your way around a bit?
tim, thanks for coming, and W E L C O M E !!!!
where are you in northern tennessee? looking forward to your posts!
Welcome from just across the boarder, the show me state. Jack
Welcome to the forum from Colorful Colorado :bee:
Welcome Beeman to the forum, glad to have you with us.
Thanks for the welcome.
Perry, been keeping bees for 10 years. Started raising queens for 8 years using grafting & the OTS system from Mel Disselkoen. Both work great. I only small scale numbers are needed, OTS is the way to go.
Riverbee, I'm in Portland TN. It's on the TN/Ky line north of Nashville.
Thanks all for the welcome.
Welcome aboard Beeman. I think you are in a good location. Good luck and keep on posting.
"Riverbee, I'm in Portland TN. It's on the TN/Ky line north of Nashville."
thanks beeman!
Glad to have you here. I've been by Portland many times with a semi load of bees. Stopped at the Franklyn, Ky. truck stop often.
welcome aboard
Howdy neighbor, from Arkansas.
I used to live in East Tennessee. Dream of moving back some day.
Welcome to the forum, best place around to hang out.
Welcome to the forum
That is an amusing avatar Beeman....Hope to see it often. :)
Beeman welcome :), hope you like it here :yes:
Welcome, neighbor, and enjoy your stay! :) I'm in southeast TN between Chattanooga and Knoxville on Watts Bar Lake.
Hi Beeman, welcome to this forum, its a great place to learn more about beekeeping even if you've done beekeeping for some time. I gained a lot from what I already know.
paul, i see you are new to the forum also, and welcome! where are you located in the United States?
consider starting a thread and introducing your self as well!
Greetings to you beeman, on joining the forum. You've chosen the slack season to start posting----the time of year when a lot of the posts deal with the lighter side of beekeeping. As winter rolls by and spring starts putting weight on the hives we hope to hear from you often.
I looked up your location on the map--looks like you have a nice spot in which to raise your bees. Near Nashville ----isn't that Elvis territory?
Thanks efmesch. Elvis was a little west of me in Memphis,TN. But hey, he got around.
I love Tennessee. The topography is beautiful, and the people are hospitable. Your area has good hunting and TROUT. One of the things Texas is real short on is trout. I love fly fishing. Your relatively mild winters and long growing season without scorching heat should be an ideal location for bees. Good luck and stay in touch!