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Announcements => Forum News, Suggestions, Questions => Topic started by: iddee on January 18, 2015, 05:15:07 pm

Title: Tecumseh
Post by: iddee on January 18, 2015, 05:15:07 pm
Has been in a bad auto accident. No details as of this time, other than he is recovering. Prayers are going out to him from here. Hope he returns soon.

Anyone with updates, please post here.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Jen on January 18, 2015, 05:31:09 pm
 :sad: :sad: :sad: Praying
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Perry on January 18, 2015, 05:43:42 pm
In our thoughts tec.

Your Canadian friend,
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Slowmodem on January 18, 2015, 05:59:20 pm
Thoughts and prayers to the family.  I hope it all turns out ok.  (
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 18, 2015, 06:23:23 pm
Now see, that is the problem with a forum like this one. I have never met Tec, seen him, or even heard the sound of his voice, but I am still HURT to know he is hurt..    Prayers and only the BEST wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: rcannon on January 18, 2015, 06:30:21 pm
Prayers sent. Hope everything turns out ok.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: kebee on January 18, 2015, 07:10:08 pm
 Praying for our friend Tecumseh, may GOD grant you a speedy recover and it was not life threaten.

Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tbonekel on January 18, 2015, 07:45:50 pm
Same here. Praying it wasn't too serious.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: brooksbeefarm on January 18, 2015, 11:52:34 pm
Hang in there old friend, we and the bees need you.Prayers,and hoping for a fast recovery. Jack
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Barbarian on January 19, 2015, 12:45:29 am
My good wishes and thoughts for Tec and his family.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Bamabww on January 19, 2015, 07:19:02 am
Praying for him. He has been a lot of help to me with his advice.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on January 19, 2015, 09:32:51 am
Any news about our good friend tec this morning?
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: iddee on January 19, 2015, 09:56:52 am
Not yet. I left a message on his phone this morning. Hopefully, he or a family member will respond.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Gypsi on January 19, 2015, 10:37:56 am
From a Facebook forum:

As I understand, a driver ran a red light at high speed hitting him in the drivers door. Crushed ribs. As of yesterday he was still in ICU and they were saying "long recovery."
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: riverbee on January 19, 2015, 10:56:33 am
thank you gypsi,
thoughts prayers and well wishes to you tec, and your family.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on January 19, 2015, 11:00:02 am
Yes, thank you Gypsi  :)

I have a text in to his wife, maybe we'll have more news soon. 
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on January 19, 2015, 11:09:04 am
Quote from: tecumseh
  ....Truck, (he called it tecumseh), is dead but I am on the old truck jumped on the grenade to save me....
Tec had an old Chevy Luv pickup (or something similar) he'd driven since the 1980's, he was really attached to it...I think the safety belt was a strand of bailing wire  ;).  His text showed he is in good spirits and he promised to update us when he gets home to his computer.  HTH   :)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: iddee on January 19, 2015, 11:59:20 am
Thank You both, and any other that comes along. Really anxious about the "old" fellow.  :D
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Bakersdozen on January 19, 2015, 01:06:05 pm
Life is fragile, and I guess old trucks are too. Glad to hear your on the mend, Tec.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: lazy shooter on January 19, 2015, 03:41:13 pm
I'm sure glad to hear that Tec is healing.  I will continue my prayers for him.

To the other Lazy, you would like Tec.  He is a small unassuming man without really good looks, but he has a presence about him that is inspiring.  When he speaks of bees it is with reverence.  You just feel the love of bees and people emanating from Tec.  He is special, and when he responds on this forum we should all feel a bit humbled that he is with us.  Go Tec.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: efmesch on January 19, 2015, 04:46:49 pm
When I first started posting on a bee forum, Tecumseh was one of the very first people who befriended me.  I'm not good at describing personalities, but "Tec" was all friendship and good humor--- always in a pleasant way.  Never crude, never insulting, always educational. 
My prayers join together with all of you on his behalf.  May the many merits of his goodness serve to speed his recovery.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Jen on January 19, 2015, 05:00:23 pm
And a poet you remain Ef ~ straight from the heart
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 19, 2015, 05:02:24 pm
May the many merits of his goodness serve to speed his recovery.

   Well said!
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Slowmodem on January 19, 2015, 05:13:29 pm
Speedy recovery, Tec!
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tedh on January 19, 2015, 05:24:41 pm
I'm right here pulling for you Tec!  Ted
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Gypsi on January 19, 2015, 10:02:20 pm
last update I saw he only broke 4 ribs and had 4 more bruised, much better than crushed for sure.  He is not going to be getting around fast for a month or 2, but little truck took the worst of the impact.  He and Mark are exchanging jokes about healing "at his age" so I'm thinking all will be well
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on January 19, 2015, 11:29:00 pm
Gypsi, can you post a link to that FB page please?  :)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: jb63 on January 20, 2015, 10:42:15 am
Praying for you Tec.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tecumseh on January 20, 2015, 11:34:14 am
thanks to all for the kind thoughts and if you are so inclined the prayers.  after several days in the hospital I am now home mending but at my age that will be a slow process.  my old truck tecumseh (a 92 one ton Dodge) likely did save my life but sadly is now headed for the bone yard.  it is time like this when you come to fully appreciate the number of folks who offer to come to your assistance and lazy shooter is exactly correct that all of my fellow bee keepers concern is greatly humbling.   
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: iddee on January 20, 2015, 01:24:13 pm

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. 
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: riverbee on January 20, 2015, 01:32:48 pm
the link is here to the facebook page lee was asking about:
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: efmesch on January 20, 2015, 03:28:19 pm
Tec, I'm really glad to see that you are up to writing to the forum.  Anyone who has never cracked a rib is totally unaware of the extreme agony involved with every shift of position.  To sit up and type your note must have required super-human determination on your part.  Four ribs---that's incomprehensible. 
Hold on for about six weeks and you should be good as new.  In the meantime, let our empathy try to reduce your pains.  We're with you and glad that the four wheeled Tecumseh sacrificed itself to absorb the impact that would have been much worse on the two legged Tecumseh.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Perry on January 20, 2015, 04:11:03 pm
My lawnmower has a 6.5 horse tecumseh powering it. The self propelled part is gone but the motor just won't quit! ;)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: brooksbeefarm on January 20, 2015, 06:38:10 pm
Hey good buddy perry, have you let a lighter person on your lawn mower? The self propelled part may not be broke after all. :laugh: :laugh:.It's great to hear your home tec, and on the mend :occasion14:. As you can see not much has changed on the forum, perry is fun to pick on. :D Jack
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: kebee on January 20, 2015, 06:49:01 pm
 Very glad Tecumseh that no more happen to you than what did. I sure hope you have got someone that will help you with the bees until you can go at them yourself, if I was closer I would be glad to help. Just rest up until you heal good. Here for you in prayer and mind.

Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: LazyBkpr on January 20, 2015, 06:57:59 pm
Having a broken rib, or more than one certainly forces you to a perfect understanding of JUST how much you use those muscles..  and that would involve doing ANYTHING!!!   And whatever it takes, do NOT forget and sneeze!!   Something so simple will bring TEARS quickly...
    Get well!  Spend some time looking for a replacement truck!  Gives you something to do and look forward to...   I have to admit, I was Horrified when I read that Tecumseh was dead.. I had to read it three times to understand it was the truck.. that was a VERY WHEW moment..  I am thankful you are still with us, and as always, am begging you to dispense the immense reserve of knowledge on your humble followers!    ;D
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tecumseh on January 20, 2015, 10:49:22 pm
well thanks again for the kind thought from everyone and ALL should know HERE I likely learn as much from you as the other way around.  I do put a lot of effort into listening to folks concerns and their individual approach to problems and in almost ALL THINGS have never thought that there was only one way to resolve a problem or that everyone's purpose in keeping bees was the same.  Love you guys for your collective concern.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on January 21, 2015, 08:45:12 am
Welcome home tec, happy to hear from you! 

Also glad to hear you were not driving your little truck as I had assumed.  Nice to be wrong this time.  :)

Lazy, sorry for the heart test in my post above.  ;)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Slowmodem on January 21, 2015, 10:41:24 am
Hey hey hey!  Seems like things are going your way!   ;)

I know it's much better to be home and out of the hospital.  I hope you have a speedy recovery.  It'll be time to be out with the bees soon, so get well.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Marbees on January 21, 2015, 01:24:09 pm
  I do put a lot of effort into listening to folks concerns and their individual approach to problems

Listening to other folks has become a rare trait. Among others, that could be one of reasons people value your posts.
Glad to hear from you, wish you a speedy recovery
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tecumseh on March 13, 2015, 07:08:30 am
sadly the my doctor say I can go back to work.  I think she and my wife were worried I was enjoying staying at the house too much.  went thru about 50 hives yesterday with frame feeders and syrup and I don't think 'the girls' missed me at all in my absence.  the conditions were overcast and grey and this certainly did not make them happy when I pried apart their little homes.  it does appear I may begin rearing a few queens in the next several days since I have at this time plenty of bees and bee resources.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: iddee on March 13, 2015, 07:15:27 am
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Papakeith on March 13, 2015, 07:22:07 am
Not sure how I missed this on its first go round, but prayers for a speedy recovery Tec
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: G3farms on March 13, 2015, 08:09:24 am
Not sure how I missed this either!?!?   :o

Glad to hear you are up and about, still soar I am sure. Nothing is better than being able to get out of the house for some fresh air and bee therapy  :yes:

Nothing like driving a big heavy vehicle for added insurance, sounds like she saved your life!

A speedy recovery to you my friend!
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: LazyBkpr on March 13, 2015, 08:20:02 am
good deal! Glad to hear it.  If necessary, we can give some professional opinions stating you need a few more days of rest!     ;D
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: efmesch on March 14, 2015, 03:57:11 pm
Tec, you should have been ready for the "back to work" orders---On Jan 20th I gave you six weeks for recovery and here you squeezed another week out of it--- ;D

If you handled 50 hives, you're in much better condition than I am.  Maybe I should break a few ribs and get repaired by your doctor.  :laugh:

Stay well!!
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: BoilerJim on March 14, 2015, 04:14:26 pm
Good to hear your good news Tec.  :)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Marbees on March 15, 2015, 11:46:44 pm
Glad to hear you are back, stay well  :eusa_clap:
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: tecumseh on March 16, 2015, 07:15:24 am
thanks to all and yes it is good to be back doing stuff....   spring is definitely here and I grafted off my first set of queens yesterday.
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: CpnObvious on March 26, 2015, 11:16:25 pm
I've just now read this thread...  I'm glad you've done so well and I'm sorry that you "get" to go back to work.

I'm also pretty impressed that you've been driving your '92 Dodge since the 80's!  That's even more impressive than your speedy recovery.  :D
Tec had an old Chevy Luv pickup (or something similar) he'd driven since the 1980's,
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: Lburou on March 27, 2015, 09:09:20 pm
I've just now read this thread...  I'm glad you've done so well and I'm sorry that you "get" to go back to work.

I'm also pretty impressed that you've been driving your '92 Dodge since the 80's!  That's even more impressive than your speedy recovery.  :D
I think its just commitment CpnObvious, the other is fuzzy math.  ;-)
Title: Re: Tecumseh
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 05, 2015, 08:43:54 pm
Isnt ALL bee math sort of fuzzy?   ;D