Worldwide Beekeeping

Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Benc2 on June 05, 2015, 09:31:34 pm

Title: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Benc2 on June 05, 2015, 09:31:34 pm
Just got signed up on this forum last week. And have been reading ..I am new to beekeeping. Thought it would be fun.. It is so far !  I have two 8 frame hives and a 5 frame nuc that I took a frame with some queen cells on..
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Les on June 05, 2015, 10:48:39 pm
Hi Ben,
    From one newbie to another, welcome to the forum.  Everyone here is knowledgeable and very helpful.  You will find a wealth of information by reading the posts and I hope you have a sense of humor because they are a good-spirited group.
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: riverbee on June 05, 2015, 11:13:37 pm
hi ya ben!.............

(    !   !   !

welcome ben, hope you enjoy the forum, new to beekeeping?  this is the BEST place to, settle in, relax, enjoy, and don't be shy to join in!
thanks for being here!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: kebee on June 06, 2015, 10:30:41 am
 Welcome Ben,  glad you came our way, lots of great info. here so stay and enjoy and ask all the questions you would liked answer give you one whether it is right or not.

Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: efmesch on June 06, 2015, 02:18:19 pm
Welcome Ben.  As I understand it, NC is a great state for beekeepers.  As I know it, Worldwide Beekeeping is a great site for beekeepers.  You've made a terriffic match. 
Glad to have you with us.   :)
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Perry on June 06, 2015, 02:20:02 pm
Welcome, from the Great White North.  :welcome:
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Jen on June 06, 2015, 02:20:53 pm
Hi Ben, I've been keeping bees now for 5 years. But I was on my own the first three and had many casualties. I came onto this forum in Jan 2014. These educated people really helped me straighted out my hives and I've learned soo much! No such thing as a dumb question on this forum. Welcome!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: apisbees on June 06, 2015, 08:11:21 pm
Welcome Ben and have fun learning from your bees.
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: iddee on June 06, 2015, 10:03:14 pm
Glad to see you made it here. Hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Slowmodem on June 07, 2015, 04:14:07 am
Welcome and enjoy your stay!  :)
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Zweefer on June 07, 2015, 08:21:51 am
I have nothing new to add, so I'll just echo the rest. Welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: blueblood on June 07, 2015, 11:35:42 am
Welcome Ben!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: lazy shooter on June 07, 2015, 01:07:35 pm
Welcome Ben, this is a great forum.  There are lots of knowledgeable, FRIENDLY folks here.  You will enjoy your stay.  Again, we are glad to have you.

Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Riverrat on June 07, 2015, 09:24:13 pm
welcome aboard
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Curtchann on June 08, 2015, 08:55:20 am
Welcome Ben!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Garden Hive on June 08, 2015, 05:12:30 pm
Welcome Ben,
I'm currently straight down the hwy from you, not very far. Tim
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: Mikey N.C. on August 22, 2015, 02:32:54 pm
welcome. I'm just south of Sanford on 87 hwy I'm. a newbee to, was wondering where ya got your bees ? ?
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: hamptor on August 23, 2015, 05:00:00 pm
Hi Ben! Greensboro has a great beekeeping community.  Hope we'll see you at the Guilford County Beekeeping meetings!
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: lazy shooter on August 23, 2015, 06:36:04 pm
Ben, you're only about 25 miles from the infamous Iddee. 
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: brooksbeefarm on August 23, 2015, 07:08:27 pm
Welcome Ben, from the Show Me State. Jack
Title: Re: Hello ..everyone..I'm Ben in Greensboro nc
Post by: LadyyTay on August 24, 2015, 09:54:21 am
Welcome Ben. :)