Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: pistolpete on January 06, 2014, 01:38:48 am
Hi everyone,
It's a little strange to be here, kind of like entering an alternate reality where everything is subtly different. When I was living in Thailand everybody always joked about things being "same, same, but different".
Anyway, it's good to see all the familiar avatars. For those that I don't know yet, I look forward to meeting you.
I'm heading into my third year of bee keeping. I will be expanding to 4 hives in the spring, 2 at home and 2 at a community garden nearby. I house my hives in sheds for a variety of reasons, but mainly the human pest kind of reasons. I do tile setting for work and wood working for fun (it used to be the other way around, but that didn't pay the bills nearly as well). I have 3 little girls who like to tag along to look at the bees, but mostly love to eat honey.
Hi Pistol---it looks like the "gravity pull" of old friendly beeekeepers is getting stronger as it picks up momentum.'Welcome aboard. ;)
Welcome. :welcome:
This colony is growing well.
And here I thought I knew you. 3 girls? :o
I seem to know a few keeps on here with 3 or more girls among their brood. I have 1 boy (and still have most of my hair).
Glad you found us.
Welcome Pete 8)
Glad to see you, pete.
Welcome pistolpete, glad to have you over here, and I remember your three beautiful girls and we all love to eat the honey.
Welcome pistolpete, glad you came :yes:
Glad to see ya over here Pete!
Yep I know how you feel, got four girls of my own!
Glad to see you again, Pistol.
greetings and welcome pete, happy to see you here! cheers back!
Glad you found us Pete, Jack
Welcome glad to meet you.
hi Pete. Glad to see you here!
Good to see you here Pete
welcome aboard glad you found us over here