Worldwide Beekeeping

Sustainable Living => Homestead => Topic started by: Alleyyooper on November 18, 2015, 12:50:32 pm

Title: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on November 18, 2015, 12:50:32 pm
Found a old snow blower setting out beside the road for the trash man and people who are trash pickers like I am some times. In this case I was and stopped and checked it out, seemed the only trouble was the trashed engine.

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I got it loaded in the truck was so happy I had the ramps in the truck and my block and tackle from another haul job I had did. That thing is HEAVY.
I sorted out what I would need to get this thing to start if it could be started then called a friend who makes a real good living working on small engines of all types and shapes and doing odd stuff for people.

He tells me that he doesn't have much in the way of parts because the company had went out of business and parts just dried up quick. I pushed it to a back corner for a couple of years then this summer I decided I would buy a new engine for it.

I decided that for 119 bucks I would give the Harbor Freight 212cc Predator a try and with a 2 year warranty I didn't think I would be out much.
I got the engine home and was going to install it the next day but I got a call to come and get some big 25" dia. logs from a friends yard. I needed to do some repair to my log splitter engine so I installed the predator on it instead.

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I learned a bunch about the predator engine since I put this one on the splitter and it worked great. Note the valve cover stamped steel so it is the non Hemi version.

I had cleared the deck on the old snow blower, I get some time and go on a rainy day and buy a second predator to install on the snow blower.

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The shafts line up perfectly the same and so is the dia 3/4".

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looks good setting on the snow blower with new belts too.

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Had to lower the chute crank to clear the cast alum valve cover on the engine, That is how you id a Hemi version by the cast valve cover.

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I took the chute off so I could get to the Impeller, to put a close out kit on it. Supposed to be able to throw snow 35 feet with this engine and impeller kit.

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I found the crank for the chute lower was a pain to work so I made some modifations to it. I had some 3/8  drive impact U joints in my tool box and had never used them in over 30 years. so I put them together with some flat stock to make it easier to use the crank with winter heavy gloves on.

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Well I wasn't going to trust thos dried up weather checked tires on it so bought a new set.

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 :)  Al

Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on November 18, 2015, 12:59:13 pm
One of the fellows who's lawn I mow wanted me to come and shred some brush and chip a bunch of limbs up for him.

Once a gain a engine I need parts for the same company is out of business. I tell the fellow I can't do the job because of my non working engine and since I had just bought two I could not afford another one right now.
I had a doctors appointment the next day and Kare drove me so my pick up was sitting at home. I get home and there is a card in the door window to look in the back.
There is a box with a new predator 212cc engine in it.

I installed it on my chipper shredder and went to his place and did the Job. He refused to accept my doing the job to pay for the engine. Just consider it a tip for a well down summer of mowing and fall clean up.

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I have fallen in love with these little engines that start in two pulls or less every time if you don't have a ELDER MOMENT and forget to turn on the switch.

 :)   Al
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Perry on November 18, 2015, 03:37:22 pm
My blower is in the shop right now, and the guy is looking for another impeller for it as the blades or fins on it were so bent no wonder it only threw snow a few feet.
Society has such a "dispose of it" mentality it is heartening to see folks go the extra mile sometimes to keep stuff out of the landfill. I bought my blower used (it's old) and my lawn tractor for $300 each, but ended up spending $ on them. It has almost become a point of pride with my pickup truck, being able to keep it in good shape and out of the wrecking yard.
As for the chipper, it just goes to show that there are still plenty of good folk out there! ;)
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Les on November 18, 2015, 07:10:18 pm
You guys are amazing!  I wish I was that handy.
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on November 19, 2015, 04:48:48 am
My daughter could do the same thing. But I taught her at a early age the difference between a open end wrench and a box wrench as well as the many different types of tips for a screw driver. She even took a class in high school  on small engines.

The desire to fix stuff goes a long way to learning.

 :)  Al
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: lazy shooter on November 19, 2015, 08:38:00 am
I too admire Al's ability to keep stuff running.  Aside from being an engineer, I am a carpenter.  That's it.  I hire all of my plumbing and electrical work done, and I couldn't have replaced the engine that Al did.  It does my heart good to see people that are talented and conservative. 

Sidebar:  I had a large oak tree about 100 yards behind my home that died last year.  I hired a young fellow to cut it into firewood and stack the brush in a gully.  He came out with some old chain saws and a vertical log splitter that looked to be very old, but it had a new engine.  He related that his chain saws had both been given to him and he had replaced a part or two and put them back into service.  He paid 50 dollars for the vertical splitter and replaced the engine.  He said the splitter was two grand new.  He cut down and reduced that 30 inch diameter tree into three cords of firewood in a day and a half.  I love skilled craftsmen that are willing to work.  I haven't seen his bill yet, but I am betting I will gladly pay it, and very likely will add to his bill.  I make my living in the oil patch, and it wouldn't be possible without those younger backs doing the heavy lifting.

God bless all of the Al's out there. 
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Lburou on November 21, 2015, 10:57:08 pm
Adding my congratulations to all who recycle, repair and reuse stuff of all kinds.  It's a good feeling to have something on hand that will save the drive to town and a little cash.  :-)
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on November 22, 2015, 04:51:47 am
Going to get the chance to try that blower out today. We got about 11 inches of snow yesterday so I will see it it works as good as expected.

Did every say how much I like snow?

 ;D   Al
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Perry on November 22, 2015, 08:18:44 am
We're under a heavy rainfall warning today. My blower is still in the shop so I hope it doesn't turn to snow. :o
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: CBT on November 22, 2015, 08:48:35 am
I have to be careful what I bring home that is repairable these days. Just because I can fix it doesn't mean I need it.
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: LazyBkpr on November 22, 2015, 07:47:58 pm
LOL   Non Hemi version...   If they made a hemi version i bet it would run quite well!!!!

   What do you think of the predator?
   As soon as my new ($900.00) custom built gas tank comes in I am going to be finishing up my bee hauler;

   This is what it looked like a week ago;

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   And this was Friday when the tank was "supposed" to arrive;

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   Tank didnt arrive, so still waiting to put the flat bed back on it....        New stainless steel brake lines, new bearings, new brakes, wheel cylinders, shocks, and replaced the two piece driveshaft with a new one piece, Removed the thermal actuator for the 4x4 and installed a cable operated Posi-Lock, rust coated frame and painted it with bedliner... etc, etc, etc.....     Roller cam 350 out of an 89 bird, new 700R4 trans, new WORX Triad rims....   installed the cab from the 1500, replaced windshield wiper motor, squirter pump for wipers, etc, etc...   repainted it and fixed everything that needed fixed... still needs windshield replaced...   Installed a new Garmin with permanant mount, CD player etc....
     SO....  Once the tank arrives, the next project is to build a vaporizor cart...

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    Undecided about engine yet... looking at the 6.5 horse briggs... bolt it to cart, bolt a 1 wire GM 100 amp alternator to the cart as well, run the belt and install a marine deep cycle battery to run a pair of vaporizors from....   water bucket, side pocket for Oxalic, hooks for cables etc... 
    The price on the predator seems almost too good to be true.. how many HP is it rated?  I am guessing that I will need 5 HP or a little better to keep up with two vaporizors rocking and rolling through a LOT of hives.....
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on November 22, 2015, 08:39:03 pm
Both 212cc Predator engines are rated at 6.5hp but a lab tested the Hemi version and got almost 10hp out of it.  I got to blow snow with it today. It was pitching the stuff 25 to 30 feet and the bottom couple inches was slush. Seeing as the driveway was so warm.
For $119.00 US and buy the two year warranty I feel is a great deal for a Honda clone engine.

 ;D  Al
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: efmesch on November 23, 2015, 02:04:53 pm
You guys make me think back fondly to the days when I worked as a farm mechanic, maintaning and repairing--cars, trucks, tractors, combines, cotton-pickers, etc--.  When I left the Kibbutz (communal farm) I continued doing all my car's mechanical work in my front lawn but when cars became computer controlled, I figured it was time to hand over the work to someone who had the "new" training and equipment that I couldn't justify purchasing. 
Al, your pictures are great and your story is super.  May you enjoy the feeling of pride in a job (actually 3 jobs) well done every time you use each one of those items.
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: apisbees on November 23, 2015, 07:09:04 pm
Eff you are so wright when they first came out you could buy another 1/2 a car for what they cost. now they can be had for under $100.00
Or use your smart phone with a obdii engine code reader bluetooth
And a torque app
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on January 23, 2016, 09:38:02 am
A measly 5 inches of powder snow fell a week ago. Finally remembered to take the camera so Kare could get pictures. 1/2 and 3/4 throttle in 6th gear.

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I fixed this blower up to use at my Mother in laws till I repair the tractor blower come spring.

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I also wish we were getting the snow the east coast is getting so I really can try out the blower in some deep stuff. I think it will be child's play with any thing short of 3 feet.

Over 4 foot prodded my dad to stop using the snow blower on his 16hp Ariens and get a 72 inch Burr Vac for his Ford 2000 farm tractor.

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Stay safe storm area people.

 ;D  Al
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: kebee on January 23, 2016, 10:03:23 am
 I had a lot of limbs to get rid of so to harbor freight I went for a wood chipper, they had one on sale and it has a 6.5 predator engine on it. Didn't think I would be able to start it but with two pulls it fired up and has some good rpm with it to chip the limbs also. Said take up to 3 inch limbs so try out and did it with no problem.

Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Dunkel on January 23, 2016, 10:18:56 am
Alley I sure would love to have you as a neighbor, especially now :)
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Lburou on January 23, 2016, 10:31:34 am
 You guys sure work hard to keep your snow out of the way!  A co worker, stationed with me in Alaska, retired.  When asked where he was going to retire, he replied, "I'm going to strap a snow shovel to the front of my pickup and drive south until someone asks me what it is."     :laugh:     :laugh:     :laugh:

Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Dunkel on January 23, 2016, 01:19:56 pm
 :laugh:  I got a feeling by the end of this winter I'll feel the same way.  I am thinking about a blade for the four-wheelers. 
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: riverbee on January 23, 2016, 10:01:17 pm
"You guys sure work hard to keep your snow out of the way!  A co worker, stationed with me in Alaska, retired.  When asked where he was going to retire, he replied, "I'm going to strap a snow shovel to the front of my pickup and drive south until someone asks me what it is."

............. :D :D :laugh:

'I got a feeling by the end of this winter I'll feel the same way.  I am thinking about a blade for the four-wheelers. "

dunkel, we have a blade for the 800 sportsman heavy snow or a deep snow fall , better off using a truck with a blade or hiring out.  if one has minimal snow cover, or a minimal area to move snow, no problem.  if you want to spend a little more time to move the heavy stuff or a a lot of snow fall, have it at.......but plan on cussing and working your butt off............ :D :D :D

plus the pain on attaching the blade, and sometimes the chains on the wheels when it's freezing cold, or just leave the blade on but then other jobs don't require a blade on the front and it gets in the way. 

that 4 wheel horse does great work for us. we have a trailer for it and she sure can get the job done, but sometimes in heavy or a deep snow fall, best to just get a neighbor with a blade on a 4 wheel drive to clear the driveway.......... ;D (we have a long large gravel driveway.)  that blade hardly see's very little use any more.
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Dunkel on January 24, 2016, 09:27:03 am
Thanks for the advice river, I figured as much. No snow blade dudes to pay here. I'm about a mile off the main road with a hundred yard drive. First house though, lol.   I can usually keep a trail packed down on top with the atv. But the 2-3 inches an hour got me. But three historic snows in 12 months is for the birds.

 Supposed to warm up though Tuesday so I can get squared away.  One below this morning, so it's still got aways to go.
Title: Re: Sort of went engine nuts.
Post by: Alleyyooper on January 26, 2016, 05:37:26 am
I've put 50 carbide tipped ice studs in each of my ATV tires and can hardly get it to spin in ice. Still a snow blower for it would be better than a blade I think.

Now a small tractor with a front blade is the cats azz for sure.

 ;D  Al