Worldwide Beekeeping
Sustainable Living => Homestead => Topic started by: Mikey N.C. on February 26, 2016, 11:54:40 am
This was last week.
They are really moving in around here.
What happen to him. very smart animals. They can see you but you cant see them at night. I live in a rural area. I know when I go out at night they watch me. I watch my black lab too. The local guys in my area take out a lot of them every year trapping and hunting them with dogs. Last winter they took out 300 of them mostly small ones. They get good money for the pelts.
That was the second one hit by a car in three weeks, they were gone in about two hours,don't know if the state picked them up or not ? ?
You will earn your money skinning a coyote. They have a very tight hide, and it takes a lot of sharp knife work to remove a pelt from a coyote. Looking at the carcass above, I would think it will produce a very good pelt.
Coyotes are very smart and are learning how to live in urban areas. A Dallas man heard a ruckus on his porch and opened the door to find a coyote in the process of killing his small dog. It was on our local news this week. He intervened and saved his dog, but many people are losing cats and dogs to coyotes in our Texas, cities.
On my ranch, there seems to be a balance between coyotes and small animals of prey, mainly cotton tail rabbits and rats. I'm OK with coyotes, but they are a nuisance to many people. They are going to eat something.
We have them inside the city limits of Greensboro. I live in the city but have a farm across the road, so lots of deer and other wildlife. Farmer keeps a few cows and we grow hops on the land to keep it zoned agriculture.
Each spring we seem to lose a few sub adults in to cars , and there are no more ground hogs around, but the foxes on the farm across from me seem to be Wiley enough to avoid them. No issue with the farmers calves but he did lose a goat three years ago. Now they are brought in each night.
Police cars and ambulance sirens set them off howling , which is rather amusing, as my German Shepherd has cottoned on to the same behavior now.
I make plenty of noise when I take my dog out for her last trip to the bathroom every night. I know they hang around. Coyotes love small deer. Its not very pleasant sound listening to a deer die from a pack of coyotes. Those tails on coyotes make nice fishing jigs. Probably some fisherman cut the tail off this dead coyote. Watch your pets if you live in the city or suburban areas. These animals keep increasing every year. Something should be done about it. Law enforcement people could sterilize them by feeding them something so they cant reproduce.
"Law enforcement people could sterilize them by feeding them something so they can't reproduce."
This has long been posed as a solution to our epidemic of wild (feral) pigs. The hold back has been that other animals would also eat the bait.
The bait might sterilize foxes, dogs, and more importantly, sasquatches.
"Law enforcement people could sterilize them by feeding them something so they can't reproduce."
This has long been posed as a solution to our epidemic of wild (feral) pigs. The hold back has been that other animals would also eat the bait.
Coyotes may be hunted year-round in Tennessee. There is no bag limit. - See more at:
Landowners have more opportunity than ever before to control wild hogs on their properties. They can shoot wild hogs year-round during the day without limit and trap with bait outside of big game seasons. Furthermore, landowners may obtain an exemption from their TWRA regional office enabling them to kill wild hogs at night using a spotlight, and to trap year-round. In addition, landowners in a four-county (Fentress, Cumberland, Pickett, and Overton) experimental area may use dogs as a wild hog control method. - See more at:
wild pigs are tough to get rid of. My state wont allow them to get establish here. Our biggest problem we have here. We have a very powerful animal rights group. These people are terrible to deal with. PETA. I cant stand them. People that live in the country can control the animal populations. People that live in the city and suburban areas cant control them because they cant use their firearms. Its getting harder every year to use a gun in my state.
We have just enough coyotes around here to be useful at controlling vermin, rabbits, feral cats (sorry, I fix the ferals I catch but at one time there were 120 feral cats in my neighborhood because a lady was feeding and not fixing), and misc nuisance critters.
A friend of mine went out by Weatherford to go spotlighting wild pigs at night. The landowner he was riding with told him shoot anything but NOT the coyotes, because the coyotes clean up the mess.
Needless to say, I have big dogs and good fences though. Since I have chickens