Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: Green bee on June 25, 2016, 09:58:56 pm
Just want to say hi, new to the forum and the world of bee keeping. Looking to start a few hives up in the spring, so trying to start learning all I can. I am lucky to have a very nice and friendly bee keeping supply place here in Sophia nc just up the road. Very nice folks there at Bees Needz , and seem to be eager to help. So I'll give a shout to them.
welcome! :)
Welcome Green bee to the forum, hope we can be some help on your bee adventure.
Welcome You are in good hands with the crowd down there. They will take good care of you and by reading posts on this forum you will learn how the rest of us do things. Enjoy your stay and come back often.
Welcome! I'm taking your handle as being new to bk'n, I always used the term newbee. If I didn't get it right, welcome anyway! ;D
Welcome Green Bee! I concur with all that has been said already. You will love it here.
Welcome aboard Green Bee. Several of our members work closely with Bees Needz. There are a lot of beekeepers in NC. Our infamous member, Iddee, is close to you. That may be a questionable thing. :):) Seriously, you will be able to get some good local advice, and like politics, beekeeping is local, and at the same time you can see what is going on in the rest of the country, make that continent, as Canada has a lot of "keeps" on this forum. There are some from Europe, and then there is the distinguished Jewish scholar, Efmesh. He knows more about life science that any other person in the world. He has been writing about life science since the advent of written languages. :):)
Again, welcome aboard,
I think Bees Needz sells the famous "Waynes Bees." They are the real deal, and were I you, that is what I would start my stock with.
Welcome aboard Green bee!
Welcome to the forum, Green Bee. :welcome:
There's always something special about reading someone's first post. Somehow, the enthusiasm seems to show itself between the lettters. Everyone here pretty much started where you are now. The speed with which we progress (or don't progress) depends on just how much that enthusiasm stays with us.
We wish you well in sticking with your intentions to learn, and if we can be of any help along the way, we'll do our best. People here are nice and friendly. Some people (Like Lazy shooter in post #6), get carried away with themselves when handing out compliments :-[ and should be taken with a grain of salt when not talking about bees. But keep in mind, EVERYONE here wants you to succeed, so keep posting. you're sure to get answers-----and good ones at that.
Thank you all for all your kind words. I had the pleasure of meeting Iddee yesterday at Bees needz when the wife and I stop in to say hello for the first time. He is a very nice gentleman and seems very knowledgeable when it comes to bees. Can't wait to get to know everyone better, Thanks in advance for all your advise as I will probably be asking lots of questions. ;D
Welcome Green Bee. Jack
Welcome to the Forum!
How about an avatar to match your name?
( (
That's a good idea Wandering man, think I'll see what I can come up with :D
You might try selecting something from this link---keeping in mind that some may have properiatary rights of exclusivity.
Well he's as green as can bee. What ya think?
Welcome GB, this forum has some of the best in the world. I visit Beez Neezd whenever I can, great people with lots of experience, you're lucky to be so close. Keep posting :welcome:
Great choice---and you deserve special commendation for the speed with which you selected and uploaded it. Lots of us (that's my way of saying "Me") take forever till we can manage to properly upload a picture to the forum.
She looks green to me!
Hey wandering man I just noticed There is a Green bee in the photo you posted. I think I'll use it if that's ok with you I kinda like it. ;D . I thought it was just a picture of a flower.
You have my permission to use it, if you wish. I found her on my back porch this Spring while impatiently waiting for my nucs to be ready for pick-up.
welcome green bee!!!
Welcome :welcome:
welcome aboard
Ditto times two :yes: welcome.