Worldwide Beekeeping
Announcements => Welcome => Topic started by: taylormadehoney on January 14, 2014, 07:20:42 pm
From Alabama- Hey to yaul. Alabama- home of great bees and an occasional great football team. Hey to ya "river" miss ya at that other site, their loss :laugh:
welcome over here Glenn glad you found us. A lot going on over here 8)
Hi Glenn, glad you tracked us down. ;)
Sure is good to see you here Glenn.
DITTO the above. Thanks for coming.
"From Alabama- Hey to yaul. Alabama- home of great bees and an occasional great football team. Hey to ya "river" miss ya at that other site, their loss ("
heya back glenn!..... :D oh well, now you don't have to miss me anymore....i will be here until iddee decides to move the house again..... :D
thanks for coming and welcome!
Hey Glen...good to see ya!
Welcome Glen.
Welcome!!! Spent some time down thataway a year or two... back... Bear was coaching the tide in those days... Wonderful place !!!
Welcome Glenn. It's not the web address that makes a great forum, but the people on the forum. good to have another great member on the site.
Welcome Glenn, glad you found us here on the forum, been missing your posts, always glad to have more here from Al.
Welcome and enjoy your stay! :)
Hey Glenn. Glad to hear from you. Welcome aboard.
Hey there glen, glad you found us over here, hope you will hang around!
big welcome from Michigan :welcome:
Welcome Taylor!
Welcome Glen---it looks like another bee(k) has refound the hive after it was moved. ;)
Glad you're back home. :)