Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: RAST on July 24, 2019, 05:39:44 pm

Title: Essential oils
Post by: RAST on July 24, 2019, 05:39:44 pm
 I am curious about these essential oil blends added to sugar syrup that are being touted on youtube and the web. I can't seem to find any test or proofs that the bees actually benefit from it. Anyone doing it? 
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: Bakersdozen on July 24, 2019, 06:28:31 pm
I add a little Honey B Healthy to my winter sugar bricks, but nothing to sugar syrup.  Honey B Healthy has a very lemony scent. If there is no nectar flow, they will take sugar syrup.   You don't have to entice them to take it.  What is the reason they give for adding essential oil?
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: iddee on July 24, 2019, 07:36:14 pm
Snake oil.
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: RAST on July 24, 2019, 08:13:09 pm
 "What is the reason they give for adding essential oil?"    Supposed to help kill mites when feeding on the pupa, cure nosema among other things.
 "Snake oil" was my description exactly when I can't find any before and after proof.
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: Bakersdozen on July 25, 2019, 07:55:20 am
This is probably a case of, "If it sounds too good to be true, it's probably SNAKE OIL!"  :laugh:
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: Jen on July 25, 2019, 04:41:33 pm

Okay let me explain some stuff that I know about essential oils and Varroa.

First off, I'm a believer in essential oils for all kinds of reasons. However, there is no essential oil out there that can even touch the destruction of Varroa mites! I Promise You That! These mites have been titled Varroa Destructor for a very good reason!

We have a group of people in our area that are teaching how to use essential oil drops on the landings of the bottom boards
of the hives. Hence, the bees walk thru it, carry it into the hive on their very tiny feet. Plus using oregano leaves layed all around the floor of the bottom board. Stuff like that.

I find it ironic that this group is growing in population...when every single one of their hives were found dead this past spring. Imagine That! 

In agreeance with Baker, Honey Bee Healthy, helps to keep the bees gut healthy, fends off Nosema, also a natural antibiotic for the bees when cooped up in a hive over the winter. Those essential oils are Spearmint and Lemongrass oil. I too mix the Honey Bee Healthy into my winter patties. Smells wonderful. But Honey Bee Healthy Does Not Kill Mites! it simply helps the bees stay healthy.
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: RAST on July 25, 2019, 05:50:56 pm
 Nope, I do not believe it will kill mites, eat cucumbers, or work other miracles. But, at the same time, back when, I was doubtful about this guy showing me how to vaporize wood bleach in a hive with a propane torch and bent copper tube :o.
 I have never been big on HBH due to not having a winter cooped up period and a having a dearth for the rest of the year and the inclination of these Italian breeds to rob. I also don't use pollen patties in the hive (SHB) , but do open feed pollen substitute when necessary.
 If the ingredients of HBH are "good" for the bees, couldn't there possibly be other oils that are good for them also? Could be some that are detrimental to the necessary microbes in their gut as well. I have not used any and was hopeful someone had.
 Jen, that sounds like an exorcism than a bee treatment :D.       
Title: Re: Essential oils
Post by: Jen on July 26, 2019, 12:07:58 am
Hi Rast  :) I too vaporize 99.6% oxalic acid with a copper tube with a bowl at the end  :D Still killing those little bastards