Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Jen on September 01, 2019, 07:25:29 pm

Title: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Jen on September 01, 2019, 07:25:29 pm
Im thinking 150 alcohol?
( (
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: tedh on September 01, 2019, 08:39:36 pm
Our state apiarist says to have your smoker half full of fuel and stoked up really well, place metal hive tools in and blast the bellows to eradicate pathogens.  May need to flip tools end for end to sterilize the whole thing.  Ted
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Jen on September 02, 2019, 11:54:15 am
Hi Ted :) That is perfect for pathogens. But my tools are covered with propolis. I too lazy to sit and scrap it all off. That's why I was thinking of soaking them in something... ?
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Some Day on September 02, 2019, 02:57:21 pm

Just lay out my tools and smoker on concrete pad and hit them with my propane weed burner.  After a couple of minutes the pathogens and propolis are gone.  Just don't grab a hold of them right away.
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Bakersdozen on September 02, 2019, 04:19:48 pm
Well, honey will remove propolis from clothing.  Maybe it will do the same for hive tools.  I just live with it.  I'm less likely to  lose my hive tool if it's stuck to my hand!  :laugh:
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Jen on September 02, 2019, 07:26:48 pm
 :laugh: Or my veil, or my thigh, or the bottom of my shoe, or hubby's noggin ... :laugh:
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Jen on September 02, 2019, 07:29:16 pm
Thanks guys! Looks like a fire situation. I'll be sure hubby is home so I don't fry my face off...  :o
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Newbee on September 23, 2019, 09:39:00 am
Oh, those weed burners are a blast... We used to use them for small repair jobs when I worked for the asphalt paving company....  BE CAREFUL if using them on your driveway (and it's asphalt!)... maybe put down some bricks or cinder blocks or something, LOL!

- K
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: CBT on September 27, 2019, 11:13:29 pm
so I don't fry my face off...  :o :laugh:
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Bakersdozen on September 29, 2019, 08:40:41 am
Did someone post recently about how to clean propolis off their gloves?  Mine are so gummed up, it's hard to work with them.  I think I will try to freeze them and see if the propolis breaks off.
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Jen on September 29, 2019, 11:45:21 am
Good morning Baker, good question! I've been using the same pair of gloves for years now. I cherish them because they are a womens size small. Mann's small gloves are still too long in the fingers and it's so easy to kill bees while moving around in the frames.

So like you, my gloves are worn, very dark in color, and getting a bit stiff in the fingers.

The only thing that I know of that removes propolis is honey. So maybe we could paint the leather part of the gloves with honey, let it soak in rinse, paint, rinse, paint, rinse, and so on?
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: Bakersdozen on September 29, 2019, 02:28:55 pm
Thanks for the response, Jen.  I was thinking freezing might work because you freeze propolis traps to make removal easy.  I can't hardly get the fingers apart!  All of my hives really brought in the propolis this year.  The only thing unusual about the weather was ALL THE RAIN we received.
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: neillsayers on September 29, 2019, 09:08:05 pm
 An acquaintance I made at the online course I was taking highly recommended a product called Krud Kutter, available at Home Depot and Wal Mart. Says it just melts propolis right off.
Title: Re: How Do I Clean My Tools?
Post by: rober on October 09, 2019, 12:49:01 pm
scrape off the heaviest build up, lightly heat with a propane torch, wipe immediately & carefully with a rag. finish by wiping with a rag & denatured alcohol.