Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: LazyBkpr on April 16, 2020, 02:00:32 pm

Title: April!
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 16, 2020, 02:00:32 pm
Tried to post an image, of the snowstorm, but it wont let me, says to resize it???  Says I can resize it by clicking preview... Don't see a preview button either... so...   Its SNOWING madly in the middle of April, when it should be in the 60's...   Hmmm, MUST be global warming!   :laugh:
Title: Re: April!
Post by: iddee on April 16, 2020, 03:42:19 pm
The preview button is right next to the post button.
Title: Re: April!
Post by: Bakersdozen on April 16, 2020, 05:51:08 pm
Try installing packages of bees in weather like that.
It's not snowing here yet, but it is headed out way.  Raining and 46 degrees.  I picked up 2 packages today.  Don't really need them, but I couldn't resist.  He gave a deep discount for previous customers.   I also didn't know so many of my hives were going to be so strong and able to make splits. 
Title: Re: April!
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 17, 2020, 07:40:38 am
The preview button is right next to the post button.

   Well crap.. how am I supposed to find it if it is RIGHT THERE obvious and in plain sight?

   Good problem to have Bakers!  I'd definitely hold those packages over a day or two...    Drove back to the house from fish camp at 5 this morning, and had to use 4wd to get into the driveway...   Not going to be going outside till tomorrow at least.
Title: Re: April!
Post by: Bakersdozen on April 17, 2020, 09:30:33 am

   Good problem to have Bakers!  I'd definitely hold those packages over a day or two...    Drove back to the house from fish camp at 5 this morning, and had to use 4wd to get into the driveway...   Not going to be going outside till tomorrow at least.

Our weather wasn't nearly that bad.  I took the first package to a location that is on the south side of a cluster of cedars. It had quit raining just as I got there.  That spot is always a couple of degrees warmer there because of the location.  I was able to install the bees.  I ran out of luck at the next site.  So, I put an empty brood box on the bottom board with a couple of red brick pavers inside.  Another brood box went on top of that.  I hung the queen cage, that had a lot of bees clustering around her, between frames in that second brood box.  I shook a few more bees on top of her and placed the package in the bottom on top of the bricks.  Then it was a matter of putting a feeder bucket on with some sugar syrup, another brood box on top, and closing it up.
If it warms up enough today, I will finish the installation.  The temperature has a long way to go.
Title: Re: April!
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 17, 2020, 08:42:46 pm
It actually warmed up and hit the 40's, most of the snow is now gone, and its supposed to be 61 tomorrow...   Hoping winter lets go with this final gasp.
Title: Re: April!
Post by: rober on April 17, 2020, 09:01:16 pm
no snow here but it's pretty chilly. I had queens scheduled to be delivered yesterday. when I saw the forecast I called & rescheduled them to be shipped on Monday & arrive Tuesday. i'm glad I did. it will be warm enough this weekend to get my splits made up & ready for when they get here. in May 97' I made an early morning run to Granada Ms. when I left at 5:00 am it was snowing so hard that I could not see from the reflection of the snow in my headlights. being a fart smeller I turned my headlights off & ran on my parking lights & could then see just fine & could still be seen by others. judging by all the cars in the ditches a lot of them did not figure that out. when I came home that afternoon the snow was all gone.