Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Jen on October 04, 2020, 04:36:38 pm

Title: Robbing Question
Post by: Jen on October 04, 2020, 04:36:38 pm
A couple of days ago I made up a nuc with a new queen in it, she hasn't been released yet. Robbing ensued so I threw a sheet over the nuc and hose it down, that always works great. Then I closed the entrance down until this morning. Today I got in there, the queen is fine in her cage. The robbers that were locked in are still eating up the honey. I read somewhere that if you leave the robbers inside and close up the entrance to the size of one bee, that the robbers eventually become part of the family.

Does this makes sense?
Title: Re: Robbing Question
Post by: iddee on October 04, 2020, 05:27:25 pm
I had a weak hive totally covered with robbers. I closed it up and moved it 10 miles. A few days later, it was a strong hives.The robbers did take up with it when they couldn't find their way home. I don't know about in the same yard.
Title: Re: Robbing Question
Post by: Jen on October 05, 2020, 12:08:58 pm
Interesting. I think I'll transfer the 5 nuc frames that are now living cohesively, including the caged queen, into a standard medium box for awhile. This will allow me to put on a robbing screen. This will avoid moving this nuc 10 miles away onto the property of the other beekeepers, who in turn will come out of the house and want to talk about 'you know who' in the hospital with Covid. I do not want to get into that conversation!  :D

ps. I know I can make a robbing screen for a nuc, I just don't have time right now, and husband is off hunting.
Title: Re: Robbing Question
Post by: iddee on October 05, 2020, 08:33:12 pm
You know who isn't in the hospital any longer. Too tough to keep down long. :yes:
Title: Re: Robbing Question
Post by: Jen on October 05, 2020, 11:12:52 pm
Ah yes, I've been following the updates. I don't know if he's too tough or too stu....  Now See! This is just what I was trying to avoid  :D :laugh: :D
Title: Re: Robbing Question
Post by: iddee on October 06, 2020, 06:46:12 am
WHY. It's fun. Maybe it's a little of both.