Worldwide Beekeeping
Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: RAST on January 15, 2021, 02:02:19 pm
I gave my bees 1-1 on Tuesday, they took very little of it, the red maple is in full bloom, the red cedar is covered with pollen buds. It has begun here.
Oh boy! :bee: Can you post this in the topic Honey, Bee Forage; Nectar & Pollen Sources? Place this under What Blooms When & Where? It will be fun to read the posts and watch the blooms move north. Our Silver Maples (1st to bloom here, then red maples) have buds that are swelling, but we are about a month away.
I haven't put on 1:1 yet, mine are hitting my broccoli that I let go to bloom, and dandelions in the neighborhood today.
going to make some spacers and put some harvest honey comb on top of each hive, on the frames, for them to eat. It didn't sell, grandkids don't want it, let the bees have it with no robbing. We have rainy weather coming next week, and they aren't hitting my pollen sub yet
Jealous. We still have 2-3 months before they even think about cleansing flights!
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