Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Zweefer on February 15, 2021, 08:45:03 am

Title: Cold up here too
Post by: Zweefer on February 15, 2021, 08:45:03 am
I didn’t want to post on wandering mans thread for fear of it sounding like a one upsmanship - that is not the point. 
I just felt the need to express how -22 feels up here (without wind chill).  But words fail. 
I hope my hives have enough stores to last this cold spell out... should be gone by weeks end they say.

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Title: Re: Cold up here too
Post by: Grandma Bear on February 15, 2021, 11:11:59 am
I didn’t want to post on wandering mans thread for fear of it sounding like a one upsmanship - that is not the point. 
I just felt the need to express how -22 feels up here (without wind chill).  But words fail. 
I hope my hives have enough stores to last this cold spell out... should be gone by weeks end they say.

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We are right about where you are with the wind chill, getting quite a bit of snow now. We closed our bottom boards last week in anticipation of the negative temps. Took a stethoscope out yesterday to listen and the girls are humming away their winter songs. These prolonged extreme cold spells are difficult to manage sometimes. Our worst winter losses since moving back here were still less than 10% so we are hoping this year won't be any worse.
Title: Re: Cold up here too
Post by: Bakersdozen on February 15, 2021, 04:52:34 pm
We have gotten spoiled with our past winters.  But, tonight they are predicting -15F.  People, in the neighborhood, woke up to frozen pipes this morning.  Wait till tonight.  On top of it all, the electric company is doing rolling blackouts!  I had just put custard cups in the oven when...surprise!  Nag! Nag! Nag!
I used to live in a mobile home.  I know all about preventing frozen pipes and frozen drains.
Title: Re: Cold up here too
Post by: Zweefer on February 15, 2021, 05:24:18 pm
We have gotten spoiled with our past winters.  But, tonight they are predicting -15F.  People, in the neighborhood, woke up to frozen pipes this morning.  Wait till tonight.  On top of it all, the electric company is doing rolling blackouts!  I had just put custard cups in the oven when...surprise!  Nag! Nag! Nag!
I used to live in a mobile home.  I know all about preventing frozen pipes and frozen drains.
I wonder how our friends in Canada are doing... Perry, where are you?!?

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Title: Re: Cold up here too
Post by: Perry on February 15, 2021, 08:21:56 pm
Only -2 C here at the moment. Got darn near 2 feet of snow last week, but that just built up a nice layer of insulation around the hives. You folks stay safe and warm down there.