Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: RAST on February 26, 2021, 07:10:20 pm

Title: Mad Bees
Post by: RAST on February 26, 2021, 07:10:20 pm
 I made them mad. Double deep was getting ready to make swarm cells. Packed with bees, all frames full with no expansion possible. I proceeded to do a walk away split using a 5 frame nuc to simulate her swarming, found my queen in the top box and put her and that frame in the nuc. I pulled 2 frames out of the top for the nuc counting the queen frame, went into the bottom to find two more and they were getting irate . Got the other two and moved the nuc. On the way back to reassemble the hive I snagged a root and down I went face first with no chance to get my hands out. Knocked the breath out of me and my veil came mostly off. My face and head got ate up.  Dang some of them face stings hurt. 1 swollen eye bag and 1 swollen ear lobe and a bunch of itches. That little root is now gone, an armadillo had rooted it up. And yeah, I got the hive back together. But didn't do anything else I had planned there.
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: iddee on February 26, 2021, 07:23:53 pm
As Perry always says, "pictures, we need pictures."
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: RAST on February 26, 2021, 08:24:07 pm
I almost videoed it this morning.
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Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: iddee on February 26, 2021, 08:33:39 pm
Where's Perry? He always gives a piece of pie for a pic.  Maybe B13 can do it.
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Jen on February 27, 2021, 12:19:30 am
Ahhh Rast! Sorry for your mishap. Been there. So glad you are okay. Benedril for night and daytime Benedril for the day.

How many stings do you think you took?
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: RAST on February 27, 2021, 07:30:21 am
No idea Jen, all better this morning.
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Bakersdozen on February 27, 2021, 07:51:33 am
Sorry to hear about your miserable day in the bee yard.   :'( Well, Perry is frozen up North and iddee has dropped a suggestion about comfort pie.  Since you are from Florida RAST, I send you a slice of Key Lime Pie.  We hope that makes you feel better.
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Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Grandma Bear on February 27, 2021, 01:37:19 pm
Sorry you had a spill. That eye looks painful though!
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Perry on February 27, 2021, 05:54:38 pm
Stings like that just make a fella more appealing to the ladies! 8)
Feel your pain my friend.
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Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Jen on February 27, 2021, 06:21:55 pm
Perry........???  Wow! So happy to see your face!  ;D I could ask you a million questions, but really just glad you are okay and I hope you pop in more often ~ Hugs
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: RAST on February 28, 2021, 09:04:31 am
Yep, I feel special he honored me with a reply, even if it was to poke fun cause he knows my looks need all the help they can get. ;D
Title: Re: Mad Bees
Post by: Perry on February 28, 2021, 04:37:05 pm
Yep, I feel special he honored me with a reply, even if it was to poke fun cause he knows my looks need all the help they can get. ;D

 :yes: :yes: :yes:  :laugh: