Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Jen on March 22, 2021, 05:29:37 pm

Title: What is it about sawdust that bees like?
Post by: Jen on March 22, 2021, 05:29:37 pm
I've known this about bees for years, that they love saw dust. What is it about saw dust that they like?
Title: Re: What is it about sawdust that bees like?
Post by: Zweefer on March 23, 2021, 08:27:31 am
This is a frequent question on the forums.   General consensus is one of three reasons :
1) they are using it as pollen sub.
2) they are using it for pulling resins out for propolis
3) it isn't the sawdust, but the mycelium that is growing in it they are after.

bottom line is no one really knows for sure.
Title: Re: What is it about sawdust that bees like?
Post by: Jen on March 23, 2021, 12:33:15 pm
Hi Zweefer, I love to watch bees zoom into the sawdust. Hubby was knocking down a tree stump with a chain saw in the front yard yesterday, sawdust was piling up, bees coming in like bombers  :D