Worldwide Beekeeping

Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: Jen on April 12, 2021, 12:27:01 pm

Title: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: Jen on April 12, 2021, 12:27:01 pm
Last year I sold a nuc that had scant 'capped brood' because by the time the buyer came to pick up the nuc the capped brood had hatched. However, the queen had laid the frames full again, showing eggs and larvae mainly. The buyer was not happy with eggs and larvae and wanted nucs where he could see full capped brood.

What is your opinion on how the frames should look when you buy a nuc or hive? Does capped brood look better?
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: iddee on April 12, 2021, 05:15:57 pm
"Does capped brood look better?""

To beginners, yes.
To experienced beeks, no.
The open brood means new queen.
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: Zweefer on April 14, 2021, 10:11:30 pm
Ideally, I would like to see all stages on the frames.   And as long as we are asking for a perfect scenario, I would also like to see frames that aren't on their absolute last leg.
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 25, 2021, 10:47:43 pm
{Zweef} I would also like to see frames that aren't on their absolute last leg.

    YES..... I have seen too many "nuc's" new beeks have bought, and asked for my opinion, to find old black nasty frames.. I mean, I DO understand it is a good way to rotate out the older frames, but... there is a limit! A LINE that should not be crossed.  However, where each beekeepers line is, may be hard to determine. I would have already culled those old frames, and I definitely wouldn't have foisted them on someone inexperienced....   I went to hang with Tim and pick up my package bees tonight...   I had forgotten JUST how friendly beekeepers are.. i had an absolute blast talking and laughing while people stood around waiting for their packages...   At one point, one of the guys dropped a package and there were bees all over the ground....  Tim and I using our hands to scoop them back in caused quite a stir.... Anyhow,  I believe beekeepers should have a certain HONOR between them.... ESPECIALLY when it comes to helping newbies!
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: Zweefer on April 26, 2021, 04:41:14 pm
Your lips to God’s ears Lazy.  By the way, nice to hear from you! :yes:
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: LazyBkpr on April 26, 2021, 06:35:06 pm
Heheh Good to be heard again!
Title: Re: Selling Hives and Nucs
Post by: Wandering Man on April 30, 2021, 12:10:08 pm

I think you are experienced enough that your opinion matters over the opinion of the newbie buyer.  Let them know that status of the nuc, maybe show them the eggs so they will be able to spot the eggs on their own in the future, then ask the newbie to return tomorrow after you've got all the bees closed up in their home again.