Worldwide Beekeeping
Beekeeping => General Beekeeping => Topic started by: rober on September 27, 2022, 03:56:08 pm
i had a laying worker hive that had 6 full frames of honey. i gave the frames to a friend to extract & keep. he called me today & said he was going to feed the honey to the bees cuz it's reading 18% moisture & he's afraid it will ferment. i told him he was wasting the honey. i've kept 19% & 20% without any problems. opinions? if i'd known he'd do that i'd have let my bees rob them out.
As humid as my climate is, for most of my honeys I'm lucky to be down to 18%. Anything around 20% or higher I'd be a little concerned about, but 18% is great. The lowest I've ever seen is 17.5%.
Rober, if you knew that he was going to do that, I would have paid the shipping to give it to me. Darn ~ you do a good turn and it doesn't turn the way you want :cry:
18% is still acceptable. Some other options would have been placing those frames in a room with a dehumidifier for a couple of days before extracting or freezing those frames then putting them in the colonies in preparation for winter.
18.6 is said to be the breaking point. Anything below that is fine.
Iddee, do you mean that 18.6 is acceptable for marketing the honey?
You can market at 25 to make mead or feed bees. 18.6 or below to prevent fermenting.