With thanksgiving coming up Ole Rat calls his son in Japan and tells him, 'I am sorry to tell you but your mother and I are going to divorce. I just cannot take any more of her nagging. We can't stand the sight of each other. I am telling you first because you are the oldest, please tell your Brother.
When the older son calls his brother he says 'No way are they getting divorced, I will go over and see them for Thanksgiving.'
After hanging up the youngest son calls and tells me 'You must NOT get divorced. Promise you won't do anything until I get over there. I'm calling my brother, and we'll both be there with you tomorrow. Until then, don't take any action, please listen to me', and hangs up.
Ole Rat put down the phone and turns to the little wifey and Daughter and says. 'Good news the boys are coming home from the Marines for Thanksgiving and they are paying their own way.'