Last week, I decided to try my hand at placing empty, foundationless frames in the middle of the brood area in 3 hives to see what they do. It's been six days and I got into the hives today. It's amazing how different each hive was. I also had division board feeders in each one. Two of the hives had emptied the feeders. One was still working on it. It was about half gone. But the one that still had food left had drawn that frame out something incredible. It was almost complete and beautiful. This hive, however, is also pretty mean. I pulled apart two of the frames being careful not to jar them and several bees came from between those frames as if they were being shot out of a gun. I put my veil on and ended up taking a hit on the middle finger. Even after I closed up the hive, they were still hitting my veil pretty regular. The other hives had drawn out comb on that empty frame but not as much.
One last thing. Several hives are getting pretty full in the bottom deep. They aren't wall to wall yet, but it's getting crowded. Nothing is going on in the upper deep. If I pull a full frame of brood and bees from the bottom and put it in the middle of the top, will that entice others to come up and begin working?