I think Mrs. River covered it pretty well. Every place is different, so as stated, next time you do an inspection see how much they have built up for reserves. I also had not considered that your frames were not all drawn yet. When i have hives that need to draw frames, even during a flow, I may feed a little.. Iddee suggested using jars with only three tiny holes in the lid, and that has helped me immensely in regulating what I give the bees and what they store and use.
Let us know what they have built up on the next inspection!
Yes, I did the cut out today. It went very well. Huge amount of bees were removed very successfully, AND I found the queen, so pretty happy... About to go make a drink and start putting the vid together!
Another cut out tomorrow, and looks like one Wednesday or Thursday too.. getting calls and EMails all of a sudden...