Creamed Honey or fine Granulated Honey Is a process that allows the beekeeper to have his honey crystallize to a fine smooth creamy texture.
Here I will post links and instructions on producing creamed honey. B.C. Home » Agriculture » Apiculture » Apiculture Factsheets
Ministry of Agriculture
Apiculture Factsheet #603
Creamed Honey
Creamed honey is honey that has been crystallized under controlled conditions. Most honeys will granulate naturally over time, often forming large crystals separated from liquid honey. The controlled crystallization prevents the formation of large crystals and produces a honey with a creamy consistency throughout. The process of creaming honey is simple without the need of special equipment.
Liquid honey
Jar of commercial creamed honey (~seed honey)
Large pot to liquefy honey to be creamed
Heavy spoon
Candy or other cooking thermometer
Honey jars for the finished product
1. The seed honey should be warmed and stirred with a strong spoon until softened to a runny, almost liquid consistency.
2. Heat the honey to be creamed to a temperature of 65-70°C (150-160°F) by placing the container in hot water. Stir frequently, to prevent over-heating at the bottom and sides. Use a kitchen thermometer and check the temperature frequently.
3. The Percentage of moisture in the honey will determine the density of your product. Honey with 17.8-20% moisture content will be more runny than honey with less moisture. Some beekeepers use a refractometer to determine the percentage of moisture in their honey. The heating destroys any sugar tolerant yeasts in the honey and prevents fermentation if the honey has moisture content of 17.8% or higher. Heating also dissolves any residual dextrose crystals in the honey which may affect the fine granulation after the seed has been added and blended.
4. After the liquid has been prepared, the seed honey can be added. The amount of creamed honey to be added should be 10 to 15% by volume of the honey to be creamed. After the seed has been added, thoroughly blend the honeys. As soon as it is well blended, pour the honey into prepared jars and store at 10–50°C (50-60°F) for about 48 hours to allow it to solidify. Always store honey in a cool, dry place.