Well on a whim I ordered a couple of carni queens from Eberts after reading Zweefer's thread. I've been wanting to try some for quite awhile.
I like my bees but their all I've had so how do I really know whether I like them or not.
What pushed me over the edge is I had 10 queens take their mating flights during all this rainy weather we've been having. I don't see how they can be properly mated when it rains every day.
Two I haven't checked on yet and two already tried to supersede and have been combined. The rest are laying like champs but I expect them to fail before fall also.
I'll raise another batch as soon as I get a round of brood hatched out.
While I'm treatment free and my Russian/ferel bees winter good their not what I'd call aggressive honey producers. Sometimes I might call them aggressive though.
I considered putting them in a yard by themselves but I would like to add some genetic diversity to my neighborhood.
Unless something changes I won't requeen I'll just pull some brood and start a nuc with these queens.
Pictures of carni queens look just about like most of my queens.