Hello everyone my name is Josh.
I believe I was first excited with the thought of raising bees after watching a documentary on Netflix concerning the disappearance of the honey bees. I talked to my father about it and he thought it was a great idea and that I should give it a try. I/we kicked the idea around all winter long each having rational fears about having 60,000 bees living in a semi close proximity to where we sleep. I have three young girls and my fears about stings and killer bees pushed the idea out of mind until early march. I found out that the local extension office was holding a BEE class. For a meager sum I was able to attend classes and received a beeginer's book. After the first class I was all in.
After I decided I was giving it a whirl my father warmed up to the idea. After every class I'd rush over to Dad's and dish out the next batch of information I had received. I wanted him to get one as well, there is some part of my reptilian brain that screamed at me saying "So... You want to raise a colony of 40,000 stinging insects in a two foot square pine box 100ft away from where you live... Genius!!"
Finally, the hives, equipment and bees were ordered.. then the long slow wait!